Anima Yell!

Anima Yell! Ep 9 "The chief manager’s decision! Five people’s cheer"

Anima Yell, Cheering Video #9

Anima Yell! Ep 10 "Kudos and summer camp"

Anima Yell, Cheering Video #10

Anima Yell! Ep 11 "Harahara Shoulder Straddle"

Anima Yell, Cheering Video #11

Anima Yell! Ep 12 "One for All, All for One"

Anima Yell, Cheering Video #12

Anima Yell!'s Five VAs to Reveal Their Cheerleading Performance at Special Event in April

February 19, 2019 9:10pm CST
You can watch the 12-episode cheerleading anime now on Crunchyroll

Been watching this off and on the past few weeks.

Not a bad show, but nothing that makes it really stand out too much either.

For a show to just lighten your mood though, it’s great!

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So, at the start of episode 11, they have a “joke” about someone dying from a diving accident off of the small diving cliff (there’s 2 cliffs, and the MC is on the small one, for context.)

That’s not funny, that’s just awkward and dark…