Anime Network Exclusive Interview: AN talks Online Player

Visit my blog to read the interview:

Notice: A lot of the fans here… this is a pretty big deal. Anime Network, at least this high up has not spoken officially through various means in quite a while. I think it’s a great thing to be encouraged (them talking more to us fans like this).

I hope a lot of you here take this opportunity, to post a Comment on the story above on my blog (Post a Comment link is at the bottom of the interview) as they will be reading it. Sometimes the complainers tend to be a little more passionate than than the fans and it’ll be disappointing if Anime Network’s outreach to us like this is just met with the usual same handful of people complaining, and it’ll perhaps just make them retreat back into the shell.

Perhaps I’ll be able to do something like this on a larger scale in the future with VOD and all-Anime Network-related topics with the higher ups.

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