Content Rating/Sub-Rating System

Every show/feature has an overall rating. That overall rating may be accompanied by one or more sub-rating(s). This is to clarify some of the elements included in the content that a viewer may find objectionable or inappropriate for younger/more sensitive audiences.

Overall Rating System

TV-G (General Audience)
Content is deemed appropriate for all ages. This does not necessarily mean that the content is only for children, but that it contains little to no violence, sexual content, or offensive language.

TV-PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Content may be unsuitable for younger children/more sensitive viewers since it may contain suggestive dialogue, coarse language, crude humor, moderate violence, or scary elements.

TV-14 (Recommended for Ages 14+)
Content is usually unsuitable for children under the age of 14, containing crude/suggestive humor, coarse language, intense violence, or subject matter considered too strong to be rated TV-PG.

TV-MA (Mature Audiences)
Content may be unsuitable for those below 17. This content contains explicit language, nudity/sexual situations, graphic violence, and other subject matter considered too strong to be rated TV-14.

Content Sub-Rating System

D – Suggestive Dialogue
FV – Fantasy Violence
L – Mildly Offensive/Course Language
S – Moderate Sexual Content/References
V – Moderate Violence

D – Highly Suggestive Dialogue
L – Strong, Offensive/Coarse Language
S – Intense Sexual Situations
V – Intense Violence

L – Extremely Crude or Indecent Language
S – Explicit Sexual situations/Nudity
V – Graphic Violence
R – Rape/Incest