Happy Story Fun Time

“Oh look, Cody left teeth impressions in my pillows. I’d recognize that grill anywhere!”

Shak let out a shriek as he was stabbed from behind.

…with… (rofl)

a frozen turkey leg! He turned around and as he blacked out, Wicca’s sinister face came into view.

But he wasn’t dead, he just had bird flu. The only cure was…

a smoked meat log.

And then Nick Cannon shows up…

He screamed “I found Sandwich PoRN!” in which case he was not kidding and it was most disturbing for all.
Outlander, who knows rule number 34 decided to cite the reference with a witty image. In his puruit he disappeared from the forum for three whole days and three whole nights, being tempted by the sandwich of evil. THe BRoodwich…

Nick Cannon walked jovially down the stairs singing a Paramore song. He tripped and fell down the stairs. After what seemed like an eternity, his limp but alive body reached the bottom, near a red ant hill. An angry line of red ants then proceed to crawl up his butth*le. He screamed and…

realized it was what got him off in the end.

Then a panty thief arrived…what was his motive?

Thread count. You see he needed to make new sheets…

but only the silken drawers of the insanely virgin would satisfy, this piqued the interests of YemeniLuigi

but he was grounded after he tried to break the child-lock code on his TV. He say quietly in his room playing with…

the mustache on a toy replica of Tom Selleck, his favorite TV actor. He then heard a rapping on the window, where…

Pedobear was standing, a sinister smile on his face. Frightened, YemeniLuigi locks the door and closes the curtain. “Mom was right,” he says to himself.

But then the light fixture started blinking on and off. A rasping came from underneath the door and…

He suddenly sniffed the Selleck doll’s life-like mustache. “Is… is that balls and gin I smell?”

Hentai coughed and said: “Hrm, well, uh…”

And a curly black hair flew out.

Woolsey walks by, he takes the hair, his head gleams with thoughts,