Magical Girl Ore Anime Casts Yukari Tamura, Yumi Uchiyama
posted on 2018-04-10 01:32 EDT / ANN
Tamura, Uchiyama join anime as characters unique to anime
posted on 2018-04-10 01:32 EDT / ANN
Tamura, Uchiyama join anime as characters unique to anime
Mom’s a Magical Girl | Magical Girl Ore
First Transformation | Magical Girl Ore
April 10, 2018 11:00am CDT
A Jojo’s spin-off where the magical girls are buff men who do absurd things and beat people up
Magical Girl Ore - Official Opening
April 24, 2018 3:07pm CDT
Famous voice actress appears as the Kamen Rider spoof character Ichigo Fujimoto beginning in Episode 04
April 26, 2018 1:00pm CDT
The heroines of “Magical Girl Ore” are luckier than they know – here’s why!
posted on 2018-06-04 10:30 EDT by Jennifer Sherman
June 08, 2018 11:50am CDT
A new piece of promotional artwork holds massive implications for the series!
June 14, 2018 1:20pm EDT
The magical girl parody adaptation shows its devotion to the source material
June 16, 2018 12:40pm CDT
Brothers and Power Rangers Actors Cosplay Magical Girl Ore and We Have Photos
Space Girl Oremisu - OFFICIAL PREVIEW
June 22, 2018 12:15pm CDT
It’s the idol-turned-magical-girl’s birthday today!