The Halloween Thread

Who you gonna call?

And as a very special treat tonight, we will have a cast of Rocky Horror!

ROFL! Rocky Horror. How did I know you were going to post that???

Anyway, I now proudly present:

Our Time In The Manor (part 4)

On one particularly cold November afternoon, just prior to the first snowfall, Marie and I decided to explore beyond the orchards, and journey through the thick woods that surrounded the manor. We decided not to wander far, as we feared getting lost, and made sure to carry some sandwiches and snacks for us in our backpacks. We were regular little explorers, just like Indiana Jones in that new movie Raiders of The Lost Ark.

We lied to my mother, and told her we were just going to the orchards as normal, though I doubt she would have cared at the point even if we had told her the truth. By that point, my mother did little besides spend hours in her office in the attic, doing God only knows what. If we were lucky, she would finally come down around six or seven and cook us dinner, but those nights were growing fewer and farther between. On most evenings, she simply left me and Jarrod a note with money telling us to order take out.

So with little repercussions to fear, Marie and I set out to the forest. It took nearly 45 minutes for us to cross the back yard, pass through the orchards and finally enter the forest. When we finally arrived, they appeared thicker and darker than I had recalled. We both gulped and mustered up all the courage we had to enter them. We both shivered as the chilly air betrayed our rapid breathing, and unleased thin streams of breath into our faces.

“You first,” Marie insisted. I looked at her wide-eyed and full of fear. I nodded and took my first step into the forest. As I did an exceptionally strong breeze blew, nearly knocking me over. My hair whipped around wildly as I try desperately to maintain my balance. Oddly enough, my friend didn’t even seem to notice the breeze and looked at my oddly as I stumbled around. Not a single hair of hers was out of place.

Marie quickly followed behind me and together we ventured into the dark wood. At first it seemed you normal forest, full of trees, though it was exceptionally dark. The trees grown upward so long, that little light penetrated to the ground. At one point we even had to pull out a flash light, as we walked further and further from the fields through which the only light penetrated. She stayed close to me as the lights grew dimmer and the woods became almost unnaturally dark. She even wrapped her arm in mine, so we didn’t get separated.

Further and further into the forest we ventured, the light growing dimmer with every foot. Something scurried past Maries foot causing her to scream, but I could do little more than laugh and tell her it was probably a squirrel. She laughed as well, agreeing that I was probably correct. I tried to assure her that there was little to be afraid of, but that did little soothe her nerves.

After we had walked for what seemed like miles in the dark and cold, we tumbled upon something peculiar. Jutting out of the ground was a large, round, gray rock. At first, I thought it was some sort of boulder or stone. But upon closer inspection, we began to realize it was something else. How could a stone be so perfectly rounded at the top? How could it have such a perfect shape? No, it was a tombstone. As we searched the site around us, we came to the startling realization that it was not the only one. There was entire cemetery buried in the woods, right on my land.

We walked around the tombstones surveying them. They seemed to span more than a 100 years, with the first one from 1799 and the last one from 1928. The tombstones were of all shapes and sizes, but each was made of the same dark gray stone. They had been weathered, and the names could be hard to read, but they all seemed to bare the same name. Each one had the name Christiansen on it. It must have been a family cemetery, back from when those types of things were more common.

I gasped as I came to know that they were dead bodies buried on our property. Not just one or two corpses graced our land, but they were at least five dozen grave markers we could make out… There probably even more buried under years of years of leaves and dirt.

Marie began to grow uneasy and wanted to leave right away. But I found myself oddly drawn to the cemetery. Something about those faded gray markers called to me and pulled me in. I felt at home there. I felt at peace.

As I stood in amongst the tombstones in awe, Marie finally called to me and asked if we could leave. I didn’t want to, but reluctantly, I agreed. As we began to exit the cemetery, another strange breeze blew and a loud howl echoed. We glanced at each other, both frightened. With an unspoken agreement, we began bolting out of the cemetery. We both ran as fast as our legs would carry us, and as we did so, we became aware of a sound following us. The sound of four legs followed us. Four legs running and jumping, trying to catch up with us. It bolted over fallen trees, over hills and mounds of dirt, trying to catch us, howling and growling the whole way.

We somehow managed to stay just a step ahead of it, whatever was chasing us. We were far too afraid to look back and see just exactly what “it” was. We just kept running, jumping and leaping over rotting timber, trying desperately to reach the end of the woods. We hoped that somehow the daylight would save us.

Our prayers were somehow answered, as we finally reached the end of the dark forest, the orchards just beyond. We jumped into the sunlight, hoping to be saved. The creature was only inches behind us, we were certain. We could feel it’s hot breath and savage eyes on our necks. As we tumbled into daybreak, the roaring stopped. We turned around and peered into the woods. For a second, we could have sworn we saw a pare of gleaming yellow eyes peering at us, but a second later, they were gone. Marie began to cry uncontrollably. After that, even when good weather permitted, she would no longer play anywhere near “The Manor”.

Wow Cody! That is turning out to be some story! LOL I had this one while I was reading it. I got scared!!!

Of course you knew about Rocky Horror! LOL

And your date just arrived - late as usual!!

ROFL! I was wondering what my second treat was! Now the question is, where is Sam? I can handle more than one Winchester brother :wink: … LOL


ROFL! I was wondering what my second treat was! Now the question is, where is Sam? I can handle more than one Winchester brother :wink: … LOL[/quote]

Dang Cody!! You are such a greedy boy!! But you spoiled the surprise. He was out back. Have fun you three!!

Man, you guys aren’t playing around tonight are you? Dayum… >.>


ROFL! I was wondering what my second treat was! Now the question is, where is Sam? I can handle more than one Winchester brother :wink: … LOL[/quote]

Dang Cody!! You are such a greedy boy!! But you spoiled the surprise. He was out back. Have fun you three!![/quote]

ROFL!!! Oh, that was so wrong… (But it feels so right!)

Ahem… now excuse us… We must be stepping out for a few hours!

Hey all, I hope everyone had a great Halloween. I didn’t do much but watch Football and the Phils lose(bastards). I am watching Hostel now(Fearnet), and it makes me think of the Halloweens of old.

Glad you dropped by. Happy Halloween! Mine was great! :laugh:

shudders I can’t watch Hostel again! LOL

I’m got to scare a few trick-or-treaters and have some drinks. Watching Rosemary’s Baby right now.

And Happy Halloween Slick!

How did you scare them?

Wasn’t very hard. I had a a door hanger that lit up and screamed whenever someone walked by or made a loud noise. I also had a ghost that dropped down from the porch ceiling and wailed. I burned some Halloween music, like the Exorcist and Halloween themes, and had them playing. Also got a strobe light for effect. I usually have a fog machine, but I couldn’t get juice for it in time.

That sounds like so much fun! No one ever comes around here to scare! :laugh:

We only get a few of them, so I figure I might as well have fun!

You got that right Cody!!

More Halloween superstitions -

  • Mashed potatoes offer a method of divining who will be the first to wed. Into the heap of mashed potatoes a ring, a three penny-bit, a button, a heart-shaped charm, a shell and a key are inserted. Then all the lights in the room are turned out, and each guest, armed with a spoon or fork, endeavors to find the hidden charms. The one who finds the ring win marry first; the three penny-bit signifies wealth; the button, bachelorhood or spinsterhood; the heart, passionate love; the shell, long journeys; the key, great success and power.

  • To find out of your lover is true. select one of the letters which you have received from your sweetheart, especially one which contains a particularly passionate and important declaration; lay it wide open upon a table and then fold it nine times. Pin the folds together, place the letter in your left-hand glove, and slip it under your pillow. If on that night you dream of silver, gems, glass, castles or clear water, your lover is true and his declarations are genuine; if you dream of linen, storms, fire, wood, flowers, or he is saluting you, he is false and has been deceiving you.

  • Girls who carry a broken egg in a glass to a spring of water (during the day) can not only see their future husband by mixing some of the spring water into the glass, but she can also see a glimpse of her future children.

  • Halloween derives its name from the fact that in the Christian calendar it occurs the day before ‘All Saints’ or All Hallows’ Day. It was the last night of the old year according to the ancient calendar of the Celts. On that night it was said that the witches, hobgoblins, warlocks, and other evil spirits walked abroad and devoted themselves to wicked revels. But the good fairies, too, according to some folklore, made their appearance at this time, but only from the hour of dusk until midnight.

  • A burning candle inside a jack-o-lantern on Halloween keeps evil spirits and demons at bay.

  • It is believed that if a person lights a new orange colored candle at midnight on Halloween and lets it burn until sunrise, he or she will be the recipient of good luck.

  • To cast a headless shadow or no shadow at all is still believed by many folks in the United States and Europe to be an omen of death in the course of the next year.

  • It’s dangerous to sleep when thirsty, for the soul will leave the body in search of water. If the body is wakened too quickly, the soul may not have time to get back and the body will die.

  • Put your clothes on inside out and walk backwards on Halloween night to meet a witch.

  • One Gaelic superstition states that all souls that are bound in Purgatory are set free for forty-eight hours on All Hallows Eve. In Wales it is believed that those people who are destined to die within a year will hear a sigh that is carried by the wind which blows over the feet of the dead. This wind will blow on Halloween night.

  • Girls placed hazel nuts along the front of the fire-grate, each one to symbolize one of her suitors. She could then find out who her future husband would be by chanting, ‘If you love me, pop and fly; if you hate me, burn and die.’

  • When passing a graveyard or a house where someone has died, turn your pockets inside out to make sure you don’t bring home ghost in your pocket.

  • There is an old superstition that the body put in the first grave dug in a new graveyard is always claimed by the devil. It is also said to be unlucky to dig or plow any ground in which a body has been buried, and certainly no crops planted there will flourish. Because of a very ancient superstition that the south wind brings corruption, the south side of churches has always been regarded as the holiest and it was here for generations that people insisted on being buried. Only folk who had committed suicide and the corpses of stillborn children were buried on the north side. Graves should, of course, always be dug running east to west, so the corpse may lie with his feet to the east and his head to the west and thereby be ready to rise when the call comes from the east on the Day of Judgment.

Fun Fact -
Illinois is top pumpkin producer
By Commercial-News, Danville, Ill.
Publication: Commercial-News (Danville, Illinois)
Date: Monday, October 12 2009

Oct. 12–DANVILLE – When it comes to pumpkin growing, Illinois has squashed the competition.

The state’s agriculture department reports Illinois is the top pumpkin producer and processor in the United States, and that the industry continues to grow.

“More than likely, if you are carving a pumpkin this Halloween, or making grandma’s famous pumpkin pie, your pumpkin came from right here in Illinois,” Agriculture Director Tom Jennings said.

According to the 2007 Census of Agriculture, Illinois now harvests 13,679 acres of pumpkins annually on 502 farms. That’s up from 12,296 acres and 475 farms just five years prior.

By comparison, neighboring Indiana had just 3,246 acres of pumpkins in 2007, a decline of almost 1,000 since 2002.

Hmmmm… maybe. But next year, i need to get some coffins for my graveyard! And some more tombstones!