The angel, Michael, pays a visit to Kevin to check on things. For an angel, he’s very cruel and something of a brat. Michael is the one that took one of Kevin’s wings, and threatens now to take the other one as he knocks Kevin around. Michael tells Kevin that he’s there to “observe” William. I don’t like this.
William suddenly has a rival at school that he can’t quite remember in the form of Elliot Eden, who informs William that he’s hoping to get the highest score on the next test. Of course William doesn’t remember him, for this is Michael. Now that Mr. Eden has thrown down the glove, William begins to study non-stop and even wants the academically challenged Isaac to take second place to William’s first place on the test.
William and Eden meet again and Eden is a little friendlier this time. He asks William what is most important to him and William pauses to think about that as he pictures his friends. Yes, the demons are in that thought as well. Before he can answer Eden, Eden asks him if he knows the story of Noah’s Ark. He tells William that thanks to the warning of a certain angel, humanity survived. It sounds like Eden is warning William as well. From the things he’s saying to William, it seems like he is talking about something completely different that what William is hearing. At least both Kevin and Dantalion are keeping an eye on these two.
After receiving a low grade, William is in no mood for Dantalion when he confronts William about Eden. Dantalion tells William that Eden is not a demon, yet there is something about him. He tells William that there is too much “light” and that Eden may be connected to heaven. Of course William doesn’t care and angrily stalks away.
I did like that during a test, a student tries to cheat and Eden makes the answers disappear. However, he goes one step further and makes the answers appear on William’s desk, which was mean. William tries to erase the answers, but it won’t erase and William is caught by the teacher, who announces William’s punishment for cheating. Dantalion is upset by this, but Eden seems delighted.
William sits in the “discipline room” and wonders what he can do to clear his name. Although he isn’t supposed to have visitors, Isaac and Nathan show up. Isaac promises to think of something and says that he will call upon “the holy powers of the archangel Michael, defender of justice”. I’m sure that’s just what William needs! Of course, Nathan believes in William’s innocence without any help at all, and even asks William who may have been behind the deed.
William also has a late night visitor – Eden – who believes in William’s guilt, but still offers to “help” him. He tells William that he might know who did it, and will even testify on William’s behalf. But Eden wants William to tells him what he truly desires in life. However, when William says that he wants to be part of society’s elite, it only angers Eden, and he tries again. He asks William what he would do if Kevin and Nathan were hanging from a cliff. William is confused and Eden prods him by asking him to choose Heaven or Hell. Thankfully, Kevin catches the visitor at the discipline room and chases Eden away, but I’m sure Michael will make Kevin pay for it later.
William’s trial is held before a body of his peers and his plea is one of innocence. Strange, but once again, he is asked to choose between Heaven and Hell. However, Isaac has asked Michael to help and he and William are transported someplace else and find Eden there as well. I think William finally realizes that Eden is Michael. But before things can go further, Sytry shows up and in defending himself, Michael shows his wings.
Now that he’s revealed as an angel, Isaac is excited, but William looks like he just wants to crawl into a hole. This is just what he needs along with the demons! And I’m sure he will later claim to believe none of it too. When Eden produces a sword, Isaac recognizes him as the archangel, Michael – “one who is like God”. Michael grabs William by the neck and calls him “Solomon” and says that he once had to clean up after him, but William has no idea what he’s talking about. He also says that he will grant William “ecstasy” and that probably isn’t a good thing. Michael threatens Sytry as well. Where the heck is Dantalion?
Finally! The demon shows up. Dantalion says that he had trouble breaking through Michael’s barrier, but then how did Sytry get there? Anyway, William is saved and there seems to be bad blood between Dantalion and Michael. Dantalion accuses Michael of being the traitor that cast Lucifer down. Michael says it was because he was stronger than Lucifer and attacks Dantalion.
Sytry and Isaac fill William in on the details. Lucifer is Michael’s older brother, and Isaac tells William that he rebelled against God, fought Michael, and was cast into Hell after losing. Dantalion doesn’t seem to be doing any better against Michael either. He also angers Dantalion by bringing up his past. But that anger gives Dantalion the strength to knock Michael down. However, before he can destroy Michael, Kevin shows up to protect him. Dantalion threatens to reveal Kevin’s true identity, but Kevin talks Dantalion out of harming Michael, by asking him if he wants to place William in even more danger. However, Dantalion turns that same question right back to Kevin.
Michael has grown bored with all this and suddenly, William is back at his trial. He formally pleads “not guilty” and goes on to defend himself. He is very eloquent and Nathan brings forth the true cheaters who have confessed. William is found to be innocent and is given a makeup test which he passes with flying colors. He feels his future is secure once again, but is it really?
Baalberith tells a shocked Gilles that Lucifer may never wake up and might even vanish permanently. Astaroth tells Lamia that it may be time to bring William to Hell, now that Heaven has stepped in to bring ecstasy to William. The demons of Hell can protect William. And it looks like Michael is plotting his next move as well. I think William would probably be better off in Hell, but knowing him, he probably refuses to believe that Hell even exists.