Themes: dungeons Plot Summary: Clay was trained by her father to be an expert member of the thieves’ guild. Since her father disappeared three years ago, she’s been using her skills to search for him in a dungeon filled with goblins, a Minotaur, and all manner of other dangerous creatures. When Clay reaches deeper than anyone ever has before, she meets the caretaker of the dungeon. To her surprise, Clay is invited to join the staff. And thus begins Clay’s new job–to learn the inner workings and behind-the-scenes secrets of the dungeon from the inside. Vintage: 2024-07-05
Clay’s diving into an epic quest through the mysterious dungeon to find her lost father. Along the way, she crosses paths with Belle, the dungeon’s caretaker, who seeks Clay’s aid. Can Clay’s new journey lead her to her father?
#DungeonPeople is coming to HIDIVE in Summer 2024.
posted on 2024-06-09 23:03 EDT by Rafael Antonio Pineda
TrySail performs ‘Micro Revolution’ opening, Akari Nanawo performs ‘Blueprint’ ending for July 5 anime