Fall 2014 Master Licensing List

future Sentai shows anyone: Rondo of Angel seems like a likely candidate, what with its 3 region availability.
TCC maybe as well since it’s also Sunrise.

Fruits…? Wow, NBC Universal…

Yeah, that one is a bit interesting.
Given the territory list and Sentai’s history with Geneon Universal, there’s good chance it might be a Sentai title.

Y’all expect that Funimation would pass on a show about boobs w/legs (and probable yuri elements) using mechs to fight dragons? Now that Funi’s dubbing of such titles has become something of a crapshoot I’d actually be okay with that.

If it wasn’t for the fact that it was announced on CR first, and in the US, you might have something there.
It’s not AoT and all the hype that went with it though, and at this point, I highly doubt it would be FUNi’s.

Via Facebook


Fairy Tail
One Piece
Selector Spread Wixoss

Everything should be up to date now

You’re missing [Karen Senki][1][1]: Fall 2014 Master Licensing List from the New Simulcast Titles on CR.

Got it thanks, updated

By the way, I’m betting the only reason why Funimation didn’t license Cross Ange is because it’s a 2-cour series. FUNimation’s kind of stuck, budget wise, since One Piece and Fairy Tail, seem to be continuing with no signs of slowing down and the financial commitment on a new 24+ ep series that doesn’t have the hype / popularity that Attack on Titan / Psycho-Pass has, they probably didn’t get the deal they were looking for.

Sentai’s pattern has been to license 2 24+ep shows per quarter. then the other 8-10 be single cour (10-13 eps).

and we know one of the 2 cour shows will be Log Horizon S2, so that leaves one slot open for Sentai.

2014 Fall Anime Trailer Summary: Action & Sci-Fi

2014 Fall Anime Trailer Summary: Academic and Comedic Series

Eight returning anime you should continue watching this Autumn 2014

Via Facebook:

Buddy Complex 2 part Special

Looks like Fuji Creative is handling Gonna be the Twin‐Tail!! (Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu.)

So I guess that leaves Amagi Brilliant Park as the TBS title this season.

Coffee were they the ones who have Locodol as well?

They were indeed.
It seems, with the past two season, Fuji Creative has their hands in TBS series.
Makes me wonder if this trend will continue, and if it does, it’ll make it that much harder to guess where certain series will end up.

I’ll update this post from time to time with series that are streaming in other countries as they get announced.
This is mostly just an interesting comparison/guess post for US licenses and where they might go.

Also, it looks like TERRAFORMARS is going to be 13 eps.






● Orenchi no Furo Jijo

New Japanese company coming to the USA? My eyes they see, but I can’t believe.

What makes them think that it’ll be different this time? Why can’t they just let the experts-the actual NA companies-handle this? This blows.


It’s This Boy Caught a Merman…the series.



● When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace
● Log Horizon 2
● Gugure! Kokkuri-san

With 2 more for today according to the forum topic.

-edit 2-
Log Horizon 2 added.

-edit 3-
Gugure! Kokkuri-san added.

Funimations announcements will be [URL=“http://www.funimation.com/blog/2014/10/01/guess-our-fall-2014-season-and-win-a-12-month-subscription”]friday[/URL].

[QUOTE]We’re still working out some final details on a few titles, but while we’re waiting we wanted to see if fans could guess what we have confirmed so far. We’ll even sweeten the deal and throw in a free 12-month subscription for our FUNimation Streaming Service to one random fan who guesses all of the shows in our clue correctly! Click here for complete contest rules.

Ready? Here’s your clue:

“A man sits on the banks of the River Styx and contemplates a remembrance of things past while a matching pair of children play a game nearby. Meanwhile, three brothers ferry a sheep and a wolf across the river under the cover of clouds.”

We will announce the winner on Friday afternoon with our simulcast season![/QUOTE]