If you’ve seen the 1st episode of I Can’t Understand What My Husband is Saying I immediately thought of Sentai when you find out who the Husband’s waifu is.
Now that the page is available, it seems to be from Seven, which to this point, Sentai hasn’t had any dealings with since their CR simulcasting has started.
There’s 3 other Seven series that have been simulcast, none of them Sentai has picked up.
It wasn’t that I thought Sentai would pick the show up, The Husband’s waifu is:
Mashiro from Engaged to the Unidentified
Since she’s been mentioned as Sentai’s unofficial mascot.
The art on the forums post for “I Can’t Understand What My Husband is Saying” made me think of Manga artist and assistance show (Too lazy to look up the name)
List up to date as 4 October 2014 @ 11:12pm EST
This is only rumor, with no “official” word from any party, so I wouldn’t update it to the list as of yet.
But it seems the CM of Crunchyroll France confirmed that Netflix has obtained the streaming rights for The Seven Deadly Sins.
● Akatsuki no Yona
● Akatsuki no Yona added.
Up to date as of 2:12am EDT 7 October 2014
● Parasyte -the maxim-
● Chaika -The Coffin Princess- AVENGING BATTLE
● Hi-sCool! Seha Girls
Chaika -The Coffin Princess- AVENGING BATTLE added.
-edit -2-
Hi-sCool! Seha Girls added.
List up to date as of 1:12am EDT 08 October 2014
Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!! is a Non-US title.
● Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!!
● Your lie in April
Your lie in April added.
-edit -2-
● CROSS ANGE Rondo of Angel and Dragon
Up to date as of 1:20am EDT 09 October 2014
● Tribe Cool Crew
up to date as of 1:41 am EDT 10 October 2014
Per CR NYCC panel
● BONJOUR♪Sweet Love Patisserie
● Case Closed
● Girl Friend BETA
Girl Friend BETA added.
● Gugure! Kokkuri-san
I don’t have LINE, so I can’t confirm this.
But, as per Crunchyroll’s LINE account.
Girl Friend BETA just popped up on the lineup page.
So I guess that confirms it.
Up to Date as of 1:22am EDT 11 October 2014