Hatenkou Yugi

Hatenkou Yugi

Genres: adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, mystery, supernatural
Plot Summary: A young girl named Rahzel is booted out of her house one day by her father with the instructions to ’see the world.’ And so her journey begins, However, she won’t be doing it alone … for she befriends a stoic young man named Alzeid seeking revenge for his father’s murder. Alzeid and Rahzel are like oil and water … but even still, they feel strangely drawn to one another. This could be either the result of an underlying attraction — or their shared powers with magic. And so, the two reluctant allies travel from town to town, using their powers to help the helpless, while discovering their own respective places in the world.
Number of episodes: 10
Vintage: 2008-01-04 to 2008-03-07

ANN Info Page

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Sentai Filmworks License Announcement

March 9, 2016

Sentai Filmworks Licenses Hatenkou Yugi Anime

posted on 2016-03-09 15:33 EST
2008 anime adapted Minari Endo’s Dazzle manga

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Complete Collection Cover/Disc Art


Coming to Anime Network’s Online Player!

Starting: Friday, November 18, 2016
Language: Japanese w/ English Subtitles

Episodes 1-10 (Sub) are live at ANO

Hatenkou Yugi Official Trailer