Genres: comedy, drama, psychological
Themes: family feud, growing up pains, idols, unrequited love
Plot Summary: A group of aspiring idols gather at Takanashi Productions and are entrusted with the company’s future. The seven men who have just met represent a variety of totally different personalities. However, they each have their own charm and possess unknown potential as idols. Forming a group, they take their first step together as “IDOLiSH7.” Their brilliantly shining dancing forms onstage eventually begin captivating the hearts of the people.
Number of episodes: 17
Vintage: 2018-01-01
IDOLiSH7 Second Beat!
Genres: comedy, drama, psychological
Themes: family feud, growing up pains, idols, unrequited love
Plot Summary: Following Idolish7’s rise to fame, Riku becomes under pressure due his illness and fans’ high expectations of him. His breath shortening after a performance when his fans demand an encore, they become disappointed that he doesn’t come back. To let Riku lighten his stress while remaining a part of Idolish7, Iori becomes their center, which only causes tension between Iori’s and Riku’s biases. More sad truths are revealed when Tenn sees Riku’s poor performance and insults him for disappointing his fans. Takamasa Kujo, Tenn’s adoptive father shows up while more traumatic pasts linked to him come to light. Meanwhile, who appears to be Aya, Tamaki’s long lost sister, shows up too and seems to have a dark secret of her own.
Number of Episode: 15
Vintage: 2020-04-05
IDOLISH7 Third Beat
Genres: drama
Plot Summary: Kujo starts carrying out his plans to defame Gaku and Ryu, in attempt to make Tenn become a solo artist to better achieve his goal of nurturing the idol who will surpass the missing Zero. Meanwhile, a new group ZOOL makes their debut, but they’re giving the other idols the cold shoulder. Worse is when more of the past - especially related to Zero’s lyricist Haruki Sakura - continues to surface. And it seems ZOOL’s manager, Ryo Tsukumo, also has his own evil plans.
Number of Episodes: 30
Vintage: 2021-07-04; Cour 2: 2022-10-02
IDOLISH7 Fourth Beat
IDOLiSH7 (ONA) - Vintage: 2015-07-23
IDOLiSH7 Vibrato (ONA) - Vintage: 2018-02-17
IDOLiSH7 the Movie LIVE 4bit BEYOND THE PERIOD - Vintage: 2023-05-20