Last week, I thought there was a chance he was a descendant of the hero as well, like someone had multiple kids and there’s basically (at least) two branches of the hero family running about at this point. Only way I think his stats are the way they are.
I’ve Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills, Ep 7 (Sub), is live at HIDIVE
I’ve Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills, Ep 8 (Sub), is live at HIDIVE
I’ve Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills, Ep 9 (Sub), is live at HIDIVE
Well we now know why Al is the way he is, and boy was that a depressing episode
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll make sure I save something upbeat for after.
Yes, the episode was depressing, but it made me angry too.
I mean
yes the crops were destroyed, but anything in the ground should have been fine. They could not find a few potatoes to dig up? Yes, the bridge was out, but no one could find another way to cross the river? People have been crossing rivers for years without the benefit of a bridge!
I can think of a few solutions, but I guess there would not have been this story of Al’s past otherwise, making him the person he is today. So, fine. But I still think they are a bunch of village idiots!
Also, they never said how long they were without food or rescue. Weeks? Months? And they just sat around, waiting?
I would also like a little more detail of what happened in the cave and why Al’s chest hurt so much. The scene didn’t last long enough to figure out things. I know something happened. Al did have some kind of experience. I hope a future episode reveals more. My curiosity is a curse. LOL
Thanks for the heads up everyone. Yes, it was a tragic episode…
But… Couldn’t the entire food issue had been solved with any underground crops? Like potatoes?
And… Could they have possibly gotten a boat across the river?
What was the entire deal with the hidden palace and the dragon Al encountered… Didn’t it bite him??? Or???
To me, it looked like it ate Al. In one gulp! Yeah, I’m confused.
Me too!!!
I’ve Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills, Ep 10 (Sub), is live at HIDIVE
I’ve Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills, Ep 11 (Sub), is live at HIDIVE
I’ve Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills, Ep 12 (Sub), is live at HIDIVE
That was really a non ending ending (The connotations involving Fal and her maid) The whole thing with you know who and no answers whatsoever.
It feels like this should have been a 24 episode anime. It comes off as though the first 10 episodes were building up to the main story, and they only had 2 episodes for the main story. The source most likely didn’t have a main story to use until what was used for the last few episodes, though.
Yes, a ton of unanswered questions! Can only hope for another season.
Kind of disappointed in the ending of this one. Absolutely nothing was resolved, and even more questions were asked…
Gonna be so upset if there isn’t a second season coming…
Farming Made Me Stronger Director & Story Editor Interview | HIDIVE
Director, Norihiko Nagahama and Story Editor, Touko Machida have given us an exclusive interview to discuss behind-the-scenes and what it takes to create a show like “I’ve Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-related Skills”.
Did they explain why the last episode was so bad it made me not want to buy the BD release?
Naw…I liked the last episode.
It wrapped up Al’s first major arc while setting up future arcs, 3 if I remember correctly.
Lot’s of ‘dun, dun…duuunnnnnn’ s.