Genres: action Themes: spies Plot Summary: A lone high school girl named Momo attends a high school in the city of Sorasaki. Unbeknownst to everyone, Momo is an agent who works for the private intelligence agency Tsukikage, that protects the city and its people. Under the tutelage of her senior Yuki, and her other friends, they keep the peace in the city. Number of Episodes: 12 Vintage: 2018-10-06
This is the second series pickup where PonyCan US had streamed a trailer earlier. Frankly that had this series pegged as a none watcher for me. Now maybe not.
Just watched Ep.1, and I enjoyed it, until the post credits ending
Spoiler Alert!
Do we really have to go with a traitor within Tsukikage, when it’s so blatantly obvious that it’s going to be Yuki? I mean Fu (the pink haired girl) is way too obvious and a red herring, but having it be Momo’s mentor and the Team’s Leader is the most obvious choice for some serious conflict. But this is the Anime Cliche I’m most sick of