I had a little fun over to ANN suggesting that the folks who don’t like subs aught to pony up the money to dub some shows then, and accusing them of being lazy to read one or two lines of text at a time on their screen, then asking if they don’t read manga then since not only would they have to read, they’d have to turn the page themselves too. lol…
rebecca lol yeah I read that. The funny thing is a lot of the whiners actually do read manga. Some of them are just grasping at straws making up stuff to try to support their arguments or to try to get companies to change course. Nothing will do that other than a paradigm shift in the industry (ie. people buying more).
Also, people really need to remember that there are virtually no examples of a show this long finishing it’s run DUBBED, without having a major TV deal. The only example I can think of off hand is Ranma 1/2. Every other show like this ends up being dropped somewhere along the line. The rest of the shows of this length that were finished, were almost always sub only, like City Hunter or Uresei Yatsura.
Also, people really need to remember that there are virtually no examples of a show this long finishing it’s run DUBBED, without having a major TV deal. The only example I can think of off hand is Ranma 1/2. Every other show like this ends up being dropped somewhere along the line. The rest of the shows of this length that were finished, were almost always sub only, like City Hunter or Uresei Yatsura.[/quote]
I could have sworn Ranma 1/2 had a TV deal a long time ago. I think it only aired in a few places though ,but then again I don’t believe it was the Viz dub.
Urusei Yatsura did get a few episodes dubbed I think it was for TV under the name “Those Obnoxious Aliens” ,but it was only like 4 episodes. I have a dubbed VHS some place from AnimEigo from years ago. “The more ya know” lol
Anyways I don’t really see Gintama selling like the other shows from Jump. From what I’ve been told its like a niche long running series. So basically its the perfect long running series for Sentai. If someone would offer a good TV deal I’m certain we’d see a dub ,but without a TV deal its like throwing money in a fire.
TV deals really don’t mean something is going to sell either look at Lupin and Cased Closed. Both great shows ,but TV deals did squat for them. The fact is its got to find its right buying audience to sell to and I don’t think that group really watches TV or cares about dubs in the first place.
Also, people really need to remember that there are virtually no examples of a show this long finishing it’s run DUBBED, without having a major TV deal. The only example I can think of off hand is Ranma 1/2. Every other show like this ends up being dropped somewhere along the line. The rest of the shows of this length that were finished, were almost always sub only, like City Hunter or Uresei Yatsura.[/quote]
TV deals really don’t mean something is going to sell either look at Lupin and Cased Closed. Both great shows ,but TV deals did squat for them. The fact is its got to find its right buying audience to sell to and I don’t think that group really watches TV or cares about dubs in the first place.[/quote]
Very, very true. Several shows have had TV deals that ultimately did nothing for their DVD sales. Samurai Champloo was successful, but its sales didn’t improve at all once the show started airing on TV.
A subbed release is probably Gintama’s best chance at getting a full release.
And best chance of a sure strong revenue stream. A dub could have launched it to the stratosphere, but could have also sunk them into a black hole with how expensive it would be.
And best chance of a sure strong revenue stream. A dub could have launched it to the stratosphere, but could have also sunk them into a black hole with how expensive it would be.[/quote]
I’ve been looking at a lot of forums, and outside the handful of dub whiners… the response on Gintama has been very strong. In terms of hype Sentai and S23 have certainly put themselves on the map, perhaps this might be their biggest announcement in their early history so far. Even people who have normally been complaining a lot about Sentai/S23/ADV in the past are slowly being won over with the string of licenses in the last few months. It’s all very encouraging.
Hopefully they can ride on that and sell, sell, sell and open new doors.
That’s probably a large part of what this acquisition was about. It opens up doors to license holders they haven’t worked with, and it also puts them in the notice of a lot of fans who had ignored them. If they can pull it off, and even license more of the show, it will do a lot towards building confidence in the fan base.
Although, on many accounts Sentai is already considered more reliable than many of the other R1’s. They don’t over-hype poor series, miss street dates, announce titles a year ahead of time, or hint at licenses they never acquire. They’ve fixed a lot of things that ADV had problems with, and that’s definitely a good thing.
The fact that Sentai announces titles only a few months ahead of time, and has yet to delay a title means a lot.
They don’t over-hype poor series, miss street dates, announce titles a year ahead of time, or hint at licenses they never acquire. [/quote]
Oooooo…now you’re gonna get it, from all those other R1 company “supporters”.
Oooooo…those are fighting words.
Oooo…oh, pizza’s here!
They can BRING IT!
I am one supports of one those other companies but I disagree with some of the hate and don’t get put. I like and support all anime that I like no matter what the company does. I am getting very frustrated with the miss street dates and titles put out there but never come out if they do it takes two years or more. I don’t mean the f company but the v company.
Ranma 1/2 supposedly aired for a short time on Cartoon Network, I think in their Toonami block, but only maybe 10 episodes or so. It was before Adult Swim even existed, I believe. I’ve only read where other people claim they’ve seen it - CN denies it happened. So who knows. But it was dubbed pretty much in it’s entirety already by then. I never realized that but now that it’s been brought up I think that’s correct, it’s the only long series completely dubbed without a TV deal.
Well, unless like Yu-Yu Hakasho or Yu-Gi-Oh count, I’ve sold DVDs with some fairly high volume numbers on them and pretty sure they’re dubbed.
Yu Yu Hakusho aired on Adult Swim during it’s first year or two. They ran at least the first two seasons. It was actually one of the first anime I ever enjoyed, until it basically turned into a DBZ clone.
YuGiOh also ran on TV on multiple channels, including the WB and CW. It was also buoyed by a very popular childrens card game.
Yu Yu Hakusho aired on Adult Swim during it’s first year or two. They ran at least the first two seasons. It was actually one of the first anime I ever enjoyed, until it basically turned into a DBZ clone.
YuGiOh also ran on TV on multiple channels, including the WB and CW. It was also buoyed by a very popular childrens card game.[/quote]
IMO Yu Yu Hakusho was only similar to Dragonball with the Dark Tournament. Things got back to normal after that arc.
Unfortunately, I think that’s where I stopped watching. It just got a bit boring for me. I never bothered trying to pick up the later episodes.
dragonrider_cody wrote:
You owe it to yourself to view the final two sagas.