Genres: comedy, slice of life Themes: troublesome kids Objectionable content: Mild Plot Summary: Ichigo Mashimaro follows the life of Nobue Itoh, her younger sister Chika, and her friends. The basic premise of the show can be summed up in “cute girls do cute things in cute ways”, be it trying to quit smoking, going outside to play, celebrating a holiday, or doing school work. Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2005-07-14 to 2005-10-13
English Dub Cast for TV
Miu Matsuoka - Caitlynne Medrek
Nobue Ito - Carol-Anne Day
Ana Coppola - Katie Rowan
Matsuri Sakuragi - Kylie Beaven
Chika Ito - Wendy Morrison
Hmm, I have a Premium subscription but the online player says it is not available. Perhaps not in Canada? That’s a shame, if true but I will contact support as they sometimes mess up the regional settings and perhaps I should be able to play it. Thanks for confirming.