Tamako Love Story Film’s New TV Ad Features ‘Koi no Uta’ Song
posted on 2014-04-30 08:00 EDT
Tamako Market film focusing on romance opened in Japan last week
posted on 2014-04-30 08:00 EDT
Tamako Market film focusing on romance opened in Japan last week
Tamako Market, Eps 1-12 (Dub), are live at ANO
7/29/2014 3:35:53 PM
ADR Director - Christopher Ayres
English Cast
Tamako Kitashirakawa - Margaret McDonald
Midori Tokiwa - Juliet Simmons
Kanna Makino - Caitlynn French
Choi Mochimazzui - Allison Sumrall
Dera Mochimazzui - Jay Hickman
Anko Kitashirakawa - Brittney Karbowski
Mochizo Ooji - Clint Bickham
Shiori Asagiri - Krystal LaPorte
Mamedai Kitashirakawa - David Wald
Fuku Kitashirakawa - Carl Masterson
Shiori Asagiri - Krystal LaPorte
Gohei Ooji - John Swasey
Michiko Ooji - Molly Searcy
Karou - Leraldo Anzaldua
Kunio - David Matranga
Chouji - Christopher Ayres
Fumiko - Tiffany Grant
Takashi - Scotty Fults
Mari - Carli Mosier
Nobuhiko - John Kaiser
Prince Metcha, Tomio - Greg Ayres
Sayuri - Kasi Hallowell
Tadanao - Andrew Love
Mr. Yagi - Houston Hayes
Inuyama - Blake Shepard
Hinako Kitashirakawa - Nancy Novotny
Yuzuki - Kalin Coates
Tatsuya - Genevieve Simmons
Source: Sentai Filmworks
Q. estimated release date for Romcom Snafu & Tamako Blurays?
A. Looking like first half 2015 #notakon2014
November 29, 2014 5:30am CST
Selected from the 60 entries in the animation feature division
@Sentaifilmworks #SentaiNotakon When is Tamako Market out on BD?
by Nick Creamer, Jan 20th 2016
Q. Good day, Sentai! I loved Tamako Market and your dub of it, but now I’ve been dying to finish the story with the movie, but sadly can’t, SO what are the chances you guys will finally license and dub Tamako Love Story? That would be amazing!
A. Thanks for letting us know that you’re interested! We can look into it, but no promises on Tamako Love Story
At Anime Boston, Sentai also announced the license to Tamako Love Story.
more info
Anime Boston - March 31, 2017
Sentai Panel
posted on 2017-03-31 23:45 EDT
April 4, 2017
posted on 2017-05-22 16:19 EDT
by Paul Jensen, Sep 4th 2017
December 8, 2017
Tamako -Love Story- (Sub/Dub) is live at HIDIVE
posted on 2017-12-18 15:45 EST by Lynzee Loveridge
Newest promotional video is either proof or just an Easter egg…
April 26, 2019 11:00am CDT
Today let’s celebrate the anniversary of Naoko Yamada’s quiet masterpiece, Tamako Love Story!
September 11, 2019 5:03am CDT
“Tamako Market” to be screened alongside other music-based films