Plot Summary: Kaito Takagi is a high school student with a mob character and low status. He’s an ordinary explorer who hunts slimes every day in dungeons that appear in Japan. One day, he encounters a golden slime that he has never seen before. Baffled, he still manages to defeat the slime and get an extremely rare item called the “servant card,” which can summon mythical beings and has a value of hundreds of millions. He then summons a valkyrie, a beautiful warrior maiden. Kaito starts his adventure to rise from being a mob to a hero. Vintage: 2024-07-06
So we have a show here with the ‘kitchen sink’ approach.
A dungeon crawler to give us that ‘isekai’ vibe?
Card collecting for that YuGiYoh/Pokemon mechanic/sidekick?
With magical girls?
This gave me, out of the blue, Cyber Team in Akihabara flashbacks.
And I haven’t seen that show in a couple of years.
Time to give it another watch?