Amagi Brilliant Park

I’m confused why Sentai lists Chris Ayres as the director when their image of the bluray cover says that Kyle Colby Jones was the ADR director?

Anyhow, there are a lot of classic actors on this list, sounds like a recipe for success to me.

…on a side note, it is going to be even harder for me to believe that Tiramie is supposedly male with Calvello doing the voicing :slight_smile:

Good catch! I’m getting this investigated and will correct whichever one is incorrect.

Right Stuf just sent me a Notification that my Regular Edition BD is shipping


I got the limited edition of this on the 28th, and I’m really enjoying it so far. This is probably the most fun I’ve had watching an anime series in quite a long time. The show is a blast, and my boyfriend is even enjoying it.

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Shelf Life: Amagi Brilliant Park

by Paul Jensen, James Beckett, Mar 20th 2017

I couldn’t agree with the Shelf Life Review enough. I honestly can’t think of a recent show that is anywhere near as much fun as Amagi. If you haven’t watched it, you need to.

Amagi Brilliant Park (English Subtitled) up on Prime Video .

Really hoping this maybe means Sentai is working on a home video deal for some of those Prime streaming exclusive shows .

They’ve already have published a few, like Dive!, and Scum’s Wish.

I was more talking shows like Killing Bites , Karakuri Circus , Grand Blue , and stuff like Amazon Riders even .

A dub for Killing Bites could be good. I was thinking that Funi might get it, as the raunchy B-list shows seem to be where they do their best work these days, but Sentai could do well with it too.

I dunno, maybe a dub is what Karakuri Circus needs. Ages ago I read the source material and enjoyed it, but even with (or because of?) Amazon’s big bucks behind it, it seems like one of those manga that just doesn’t translate well into anime.

…probably the first time in my fandom that I’ve been in the “meh, the manga was WAY better you gaiz” camp :rofl:

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Amagi Brilliant Park - Opening | Extra Magic Hour

Amagi Brilliant Park - Ending | Elementalio de Aimasho!


Amagi Brilliant Park, Eps 1-13 (Sub/Dub), are live at HIDIVE

Amagi Brilliant Park OVA (Sub/Dub) is live at HIDIVE