Episode 19 –
As the news reports the second mage, Yoshino says there is something he must tell Mahiro and Mahiro says there is something he must ask Yoshino. Hakaze is still dueling with Hanemura and has gotten her name in the press as the “Dancing Princess” – just as she wanted. However, the fruits are appearing again. And I like the way she hitches a ride from her friends!
Mahiro wonders what he will do with Yoshino and has a flashback. Aika tells him that she is neither frail nor sheltered and that he should accept her as she is. Hakaze is in the car with the others and says that she has heard the rumors about Yoshino being the Mage of Exodus, but if he were and was controlling her, she would not be training Hanemura. Evangeline tells her that Hanemura is exhausted and to put off his training for a while. But it looks as if Jun is training him now. So much for a rest!
Hakaze tells them that one fruit remains and as long as the Tree of Exodus doesn’t absorb it, it cannot fully revive. She then tells Evangeline that she wants to hear all about her theory. Evangeline tells her that a planet had sent out unmanned weapons to destroy civilizations to prevent them from becoming future threats once they reach a certain point in their development. The weapons create an environment of peace, guaranteeing that the native lifeforms will remain on their own planets. That weapon is the Tree of Genesis.
She tells Hakaze that the Kusaribe clan is part of the weapon as well. Their metal offerings to the Tree allow it to determine how advanced the civilization has become. Hakaze says it sounds a bit unbelievable since they rely on magic and logic. Evangeline reminds her that science and magic are not all that different, once science has evolved to a certain point. She tells Hakaze that her magic may just be a science that they don’t know. Hakaze then asks her to explain the Tree of Exodus. Evangeline feels that the Trees may have been part of one weapon when they first came to the planet. Hakaze says that would shoot down her theory about the “ultimate weapon” but Evangeline feels that she is still on the right track.
Hakaze admits that she has mixed feelings but agrees with Evangeline’s basic idea. Then again, if the Tree has an evil intent, why does it allow her to control it? Hakaze says that it doesn’t make sense and Evangeline is glad to see that Hakaze can still think objectively. She turns the conversation to Yoshino and Hakaze tells her that there isn’t any proof that Yoshino is the Mage of Exodus, but it wouldn’t be so bad if he were. That statement makes Evangeline wary and she thinks they will have to stay on “high alert”. She also has no idea what Hakaze will do for love. Hakaze asks Evangeline to have her barrel and Mahiro’s wooden doll retrieved from Mt. Fuji. Now why would she want that stuff?
Mahiro walks through a cemetery and wonders what comfort people get from praying at graves. How can you talk to the dead and say things that you couldn’t say when they were living? Then he remembers Yoshino praying at Aika’s grave and is sorry he came here. He thought it would change his mind, but it hasn’t and he wasn’t even sure of what change he was looking for. He decides to head back and as he turns – there is Yoshino!
I thought Yoshino was looking for Mahiro and yet both seem surprised to see each other. Once they establish why they are each there, Yoshino says that he wanted to talk to him alone. Mahiro tells him of Hamlet and how, after the younger sister dies, the brother and boyfriend meet in the cemetery. Yoshino is taken aback and realizes that Mahiro must have already figured out that he was Aika’s boyfriend.
Mahiro reminds Yoshino of his promise to tell him about Aika’s boyfriend and he also wants to hear about Yoshino’s girlfriend. Yoshino admits that he is Aika’s boyfriend and Mahiro tells him not to “be so abrupt about it”. He wants Yoshino to explain everything from the beginning and Yoshino asks if he will be okay with that. First date? Holding hands? First kiss? Mahiro gets upset when Yoshino says that and wants to know what he did to “his” Aika, but Yoshino reminds Mahiro that Aika never belonged to him.
Yoshino fully expected Mahiro to beat him up and now wonders why he hasn’t even tried to hit him. They talk about the circumstances surrounding the whole dating situation and I think Mahiro is very accepting, especially when he tells Yoshino that he has no reason to hit him. Mahiro admits that he never talked to Aika and was a bad brother. In fact, he didn’t even realize that he had liked her until recently. So, he feels that it wouldn’t make sense to hit someone that Aika actually liked and was dating. Instead, Mahiro feels that he should be happy that Aika was happy, and happy also that she chose Yoshino.
As they walk back together, Mahiro asks Yoshino about what happened on Mt. Fuji and Yoshino tells him that he didn’t want Aika’s death used for tragedy. He says that he doesn’t care about Mahiro’s revenge, but that he wants to save the world with Aika’s death. Mahiro beings up the Tempest again and says that he will never forgive Aika’s killer. Not even if it means tragedy. This causes Yoshino to says that they may become enemies after all. Mahiro says that he doesn’t have to get along with Aika’s boyfriend and then asks how Yoshino how he could keep the fact that he was dating Aika a secret from him. Yoshino at first says it was Aika’s idea, but after her death, he just never said anything. Mahiro finally admits that he really loved Aika and Yoshino says that Mahiro can hit him just once, but Mahiro tells him that if he does, it wouldn’t be “just once”. So he does feel some anger!
Samon is informed that Mahiro and Yoshino have returned to the apartment and that they have reconciled over Aika. Samon is shocked! However, he’s thankful that Hakaze isn’t there as well. Once Samon is off the phone, he can give in to his confusion. He wonders just what is going on at this point. But it seems Samon was misinformed – Hakaze is at the apartment. She hugs Yoshino to her breast and it looks like she suffocating him as she asks Mahiro what he did to “her” Yoshino.
Mahiro tells her that he didn’t do anything and asks just when did Yoshino become “hers”. Hakaze tells him that it’s just a ”play on words”. It was funny when Hakaze told Yoshino that he could share a room with her and he declined, prompting Mahiro to ask him if he’s being faithful to Aika. Awkward moment as the guys tease each other. Or maybe they aren’t teasing. Another funny moment when Hakaze rubs up against Yoshino and says that she might be better than Aika. But then Yoshino starts to describe Aika and not in a very nice way. With each word, Mahiro gets more and more angry and finally attacks Yoshino. Funny too that Hanemura and Jun come home to this fight! But it’s only a play fight.
Later, Mahiro and Hakaze have a moment alone and question each other about the way they feel about how things turned out. Mahiro reminds Hakaze that Yoshino only has feelings for Aika and insinuates that she shouldn’t get her hopes up. Hakaze promises not to because she knows how reality is. In addition, she has her position to consider. Mahiro reminds her that she had thought of a way to find Aika’s killer and wants to hear about it. Hakaze just tells him that the truth will come out soon. Funny that Mahiro understands that it’s for Yoshino’s sake and not because she wants to save the world. Before she leaves the room, she tells Mahiro that she is counting on him as well and not to forget who the battle is for.
Hanemura tells Evangeline that everyone is acting on their feelings and he no longer knows what is right and wrong. She tells him he’s right and that the three personalities in question are very strong. But they also desire something from the future that can’t happen for them. They are too attached to what has been lost and are clinging to a ghost. Evangeline seems just as confused as to what the right thing might be and jokes a bit, but that isn’t giving Hanemura any comfort. She tells him that he needs to decide what he feels is right himself.
The next morning everyone is gathered for a meeting in the living room and Hakaze announces that before they go any further, she needs to know who murdered Aika. With that, they should also know the truth behind the two Trees and what is causing their current confused state. Thus, she will return to the past – to a time before Aika was killed!