Food Market Items

I really like ramen noodles so I would try it

No. That would ruin Oreos for me.

Why am I not surprised?

Mark Gosdin

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just found this what do you think of this snowy

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Flamin’ hot lava. :fire: Milk’s favorite cookie.

The All stuf looks good. The creme is the best part. :yum:

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so you like the sweet stuff snowy would try the all stuf oreo but might not be the same without the cookie

I can live with that. lol

glad you can snowy lol but now could really go for some cream filled donuts

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heres something you might like snowy some good old homemade fried chicken :slight_smile:

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You discovered the long lost KFC dessert. Finger lickin’ good with 11 spices. :laughing:

I’m quite hesitant on this one. Doesn’t sound good in cookie form.


Bought some of these Saturday, very good with a cup of coffee.

Mark Gosdin


Now those look delicious. :heart_eyes: Graham :cookie:? I’m in!!!

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It appears to be a Target exclusive, they had a huge display in with their Halloween candy. They also had a display with everything they are selling “Pumpkin Spice”, it was frightening .

Mark Gosdin

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yes agree with you snowy a 110% they do look good :slight_smile: want to try them @mgosdin


I might be nuts enough to try that.

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heres a good flavor

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Yes indeed.

Get some Bananas Foster ice cream and crush up some of those on it. There’s a bowl of win.