Genres: adventure, comedy, fantasy, romance, science fiction Themes: angels, ecchi, fanservice, harem, parallel universe, school Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: Tomoki Sakurai often encounters a strange girl in his dreams asking for his help, but he can’t remember her face when he wakes up. When an Unidentified Mysterious Animal (U.M.A.) falls out of the sky, his life of pacifism suddenly becomes complicated. The animal turns out to be an angel, Ikaros. Number of episodes: 13 Vintage: 2009-10-04 to 2009-12-27
Genres: adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, romance Themes: angels, dolls, ecchi, fanservice, harem, parallel universe, school Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: Tomoki Sakurai’s peaceful life is now long in the past, because he has to deal with two angeloids, Ikaros and Nymph, as well as with his friends from school, all of whom are very special in their own ways. Tomoki’s recurring dream about an angel warning him from the rage of heavens is becoming very common, until one day a new angel, who is as powerful as Ikaros, arrives Earth with the sole purpose of terminating Tomoki—his dream is starting to connect both realities, the Earth and the Synapses. Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2010-10-01 to 2010-12-17
I checked this out on Funis site awhile back. I think I watched 2 or 3 episodes. Surprised the dvd hasn’t come out until now. It was alright, about what you’d expect from the cover. But it was funny, in a perverted sense. It got a few laughs out of me, but not something I’d really buy.
AHHHH I see. now that makes sense. Oh god why did they make so much of this show. It’s alright, I enjoyed what i saw, but I can’t handle that much mediocrity.
The movie ends right as Ikaros dies. There’s a whole good 6 chapters after that where Tomoki fights the master of Synapse, and revives the world, and everyone who died.
The movie was supposed to be a two part feature, but studio AIC shuttered right after Final was released…