HIDIVE Press Releases - June 2017 / present

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Grab your snacks and clear your schedules, everyone! HIDIVE’s bringing you BOTH seasons of Asura Cryin’ every Tuesday starting August 13, 2019, at 16:00 UTC!

Our fellow mecha enthusiasts over at Maiden Japan have this to say about the series:

“Tomoharu has been haunted by the ghost of his childhood friend Misao ever since a horrible plane crash. However, his life gets even weirder after a stranger entrusts him with a mysterious package that everyone else wants. As more and more people target Tomoharu, the mystery only deepens. What’s in the package? Why are so many people after it? Is it connected to the plane crash or something more sinister?”

Territory List

  • The United States & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH)
  • The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)
  • South America (AR, BO, BZ, BR, CL, CO, EC, GF, GY, PY, PE, SR, UY, VE)
  • Central America (CR, SV, GT, HN, MX, NI, PA)

Per PR:



It’s time to log in to the interwebs, ‘cause HIDIVE’s bringing you BPS: Battle Programmer Shirase every Saturday starting August 17, 2019, at 17:00 UTC!

Our fellow programmers over at Maiden Japan have this to say about the series:

“Akira’s gifted programming and hacking skills have made him a legend on the darker portions of the internet, but in the real world, he’s not as impressive. In fact, he’s basically a freeloader who depends on the kindness of his teenage great-niece, Misao, to get by. And by get by, we mean that she owns the apartment he lives in and frequently comes over to cook for him! But instead of selling his considerable computer skills for piles of cash to repay Misao with, Akira is happy to do his web-fu in exchange for gadgets and other otaku paraphernalia. However, when the internet begins to be disrupted by a nefarious web presence who goes by the name King Of America, Akira may be the only one who can save the day!”

Territory List

  • US & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH)
  • UK (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)
  • South America (AR, BO, BZ, BR, CL, CO, EC, FK, GF, GY, PY, PE, GS, SR, UY, VE)
  • Central America (BZ, CR, SV, GT, HN, MX, NI, PA)
  • Cuba (CU)
  • Dominican Republic (DO)
  • Haiti (HT)

Per PR:



Turns out y’all really love Delinquent Hamsters, so we’re just gonna take the remaining subbed episodes and turn them loose on you in 3 batches! You’re welcome.

Episodes 31-60: Friday, August 16, 2019, at 17:00 UTC
Episodes 61-90: Friday, September 6, 2019, at 17:00 UTC
Episodes 91-110: Friday, September 27, 2019, at 17:00 UTC

Once again, our fellow delinquents over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“Mohawk? Check. Pompadour? Check. Desire to be the most crudely cool hamsters around? DOUBLE CHECK. They might be small and fluffy, but these hamsters are up to no good… sort of. Their idea of misbehavior involves such terrible crimes as chewing up cotton swabs and scattering tissues around the room, but while their badassery might be questionable, that won’t stop the side-splittingly foul-mouthed antics of these very delinquent hamsters.”

Territory List

  • World Wide (Excluding Japan) (AF, AX, AL, DZ, AS ,AD, AO, AI, AQ, AG,AR, AM, AW, AU, AT, AZ, BS, BH, BD, BB, BY, BE, BZ, BJ, BM, BT, BO, BQ, BA, BW, BV, BR, IO, BN, BG, BF, BI, CV, KH, CM, CA, KY, CF, TD,CL, CX, CC, CO, KM, CG, CD, CK, CR, CI, HR, CU, CW, CY, CZ, DK, DJ, DM, DO, EC, EG, SV, GQ, ER, EE, ET, FK, FO, FJ, FI, FR, GF, PF, TF, GA, GM, GE, DE, GH, GI, GR, GL, GD, GP, GU, GT, GG, GN, GW, GY, HT, HM, VA, HN, HU, IS, IN, ID, IR, IQ, IE, IM, IL, IT, JM, JE, JO, KZ, KE, KI, KP, KR, KW, KG, LA, LV, LB, LS, LR, LY, LI, LT, LU, MK, MG, MW, MY, MV, ML, MT, MH, MQ, MR, MU, YT, MX, FM, MD, MC, MN, ME, MS, MA, MZ, MM, NA, NR, NP, NL, NC, NZ, NI, NE, NG, NU, NF, MP, NO, OM, PK, PW, PS, PA, PG, PY, PE, PH, PN, PL, PT, PR, QA, RE, RO, RU, RW, BL, SH, KN, LC, MF, PM, VC, WS, SM, ST, SA, SN, RS, SC, SL, SG, SX, SK, SI, SB, SO, ZA, GS, SS, ES, LK, SD, SR, SJ, SZ, SE, CH, SY, TJ, TZ, TH, TL, TG, TK, TO, TT, TN, TR, TM, TC, TV, UG, UA, AE, GB, US, UM, UY, UZ, VU, VE, VN, VG, VI, WF, EH, YE, ZM, ZW)

Per PR:



Yumi and Sachiko’s tale isn’t over; it’s only just begun. Tune in on Monday, August 19, 2019, at 17:00 UTC as HIDIVE brings you ALL 13 subbed episodes of Maria Watches Over Us ~ printemps!

Our fellow maidens over at Maiden Japan have this to say about the series:

“As spring arrives at Lillian Girls’ Academy, students gather to begin the new school term. Despite the many happy reunions of the soeurs, a heavy pall hangs over the heads of the Yamayuri Council, because soon the boutons will graduate and leave their petite soeurs behind. Can anything ease the aches in their hearts when their dear soeurs depart?”

Territory List

  • The United States & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH)
  • Central, Latin and South America (AG, AN, AR, AW, BB, BL, BO, BQ, BR, BS, BZ, CL, CO, CR, CU, CW, DM, DO, EC, GD, GF, GP, GT, GY, HN, HT, JM, KN, LC, MQ, MX, NI, PA, PE, PM, PY, SR, SV, SXM, TT, UY, VC, VE)
  • The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)

Per PR:



Suit up, soldier! A barrage of Armored Trooper VOTOMS OVAs are coming, and we need YOU to join the fight. Report to HIDIVE immediately and review the following battle plan:

  1. Armored Trooper VOTOMS: The Last Red Shoulder - Wednesday, August 21, 2019, at 16:00 UTC
  2. Armored Trooper VOTOMS: The Big Battle - Wednesday, August 28, 2019, at 16:00 UTC
  3. Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Origin of Ambition - Wednesday, September 4, 2019, at 16:00 UTC
  4. Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Brilliantly Shining Heresy - Wednesday, September 18, 2019, at 16:00 UTC
  5. Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Palisen Files - Wednesday, October 2, 2019, at 16:00 UTC
  6. Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Genei ~ Phantom Arc - Wednesday, October 23, 2019, at 16:00 UTC
  7. Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Case; IRVINE - Wednesday, November 6, 2019, at 16:00 UTC
  8. Armored Trooper VOTOMS: VOTOMS FINDER - Wednesday, November 13, 2019, at 16:00 UTC
  9. Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Chirico’s Return - Wednesday, November 20, 2019, at 16:00 UTC

Territory List

  • World Wide (Excluding Asia) (AF, AX, AL, DZ, AS ,AD, AO, AI, AQ, AG, AR, AM, AW, AU, AT, AZ, BS, BH, BB, BY, BE, BZ, BJ, BM, BO, BQ, BA, BW, BV, BR, IO, BG, BF, BI, CV, CM, CA, KY, CF, TD, CL, CX, CC, CO, KM, CG, CD, CK, CR, CI, HR, CU, CW, CY, CZ, DK, DJ, DM, DO, EC, EG, SV, GQ, ER, EE, ET, FK, FO, FI, FR, GF, TF, GA, GM, GE, DE, GH, GI, GR, GL, GD, GP, GT, GG, GN, GW, GY, HT, HM, VA, HN, HU, IS, IR, IQ, IE, IM, IL, IT, JM, JE, JO, KE, KI, KW, LV, LB, LS, LR, LY, LI, LT, LU, MK, MG, MW, ML, MT, MQ, MR, YT, MX, MD, MC, ME, MS, MA, MZ, NA, NL, NZ, NI, NE, NG, NU, NF, NO, OM, PS, PA, PY, PE, PN, PL, PT, PR, QA, RE, RO, RU, RW, BL, SH, KN, LC, MF, PM, VC, SM, ST, SA, SN, RS, SL, SX, SK, SI, SO, ZA, GS, SS, ES, SD, SR, SJ, SZ, SE, CH, SY, TJ, TZ, TG, TK, TT, TN, TR, TM, TC, UG, UA, AE, GB, US, UM, UY, UZ, VE, VG, VI, WF, EH, YE, ZM, ZW)

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Do you think Ao-chan will learn anything in school, or will she be distracted by stupid, sexy Kijima? Find out on Saturday, August 24, 2019, at 17:00 UTC when we bring you ALL 12 English dubbed episodes!

Our study buddies over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“Ao Horie’s father, an erotic fiction author, chose Ao’s name because A stands for “apple” and O stands for “orgy”! Desperate to escape her father’s legacy and get into a prestigious university, Ao focuses on school instead of pursuing romance. She has no time for boys, but there’s just one problem: Kijima, her handsome classmate, just confessed his love to her! And to make matters worse, she can’t stop thinking dirty thoughts about him! Looks like escaping her father’s influence will be tough…”

Territory List

  • World Wide (Excluding Asia) (AF, AX, AL, DZ, AS ,AD, AO, AI, AQ, AG,AR, AM, AW, AU, AT, AZ, BS, BH, BB, BY, BE, BZ, BJ, BM, BO, BQ, BA, BW, BV, BR, IO, BG, BF, BI, CV, CM, CA, KY, CF, TD, CL, CX, CC, CO, KM, CG, CD, CK, CR, CI, HR, CU, CW, CY, CZ, DK, DJ, DM, DO, EC, EG, SV, GQ, ER, EE, ET, FK, FO, FI, FR, GF, TF, GA, GM, GE, DE, GH, GI, GR, GL, GD, GP, GT, GG, GN, GW, GY, HT, HM, VA, HN, HU, IS, IR, IQ, IE, IM, IL, IT, JM, JE, JO, KE, KI, KW, LV, LB, LS, LR, LY, LI, LT, LU, MK, MG, MW, ML, MT, MQ, MR, YT, MX, MD, MC, ME, MS, MA, MZ, NA, NL, NZ, NI, NE, NG, NU, NF, NO, OM, PS, PA, PY, PE, PN, PL, PT, PR, QA, RE, RO, RU, RW, BL, SH, KN, LC, MF, PM, VC, SM, ST, SA, SN, RS, SL, SX, SK, SI, SO, ZA, GS, SS, ES, SD, SR, SJ, SZ, SE, CH, SY, TJ, TZ, TG, TK, TT, TN, TR, TM, TC, UG, UA, AE, GB, US, UM, UY, UZ, VE, VG, VI, WF, EH, YE, ZM, ZW)
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We certainly don’t have a problem with This Art Club Has a Problem! (Kono Bijutsubu Ni Wa Mondai Ga Aru!). That’s why we’re bringing you subbed episodes every Tuesday starting September 3, 2019, at 16:30 UTC!

Our fellow artists over at Maiden Japan have this to say about the series:

“A totally ordinary art club at the totally ordinary Tsukimori Middle School. There, Subaru Uchimaki squanders his artistic talent on his true passion and life’s mission: drawing the ideal ‘2D wife.’ Club member Mizuki Usami finds herself with a crush on the hopeless Uchimaki. The seemingly uninterested club president is always sleeping, but he keeps a close eye on Uchimaki and Usami’s antics. Then there’s the mysterious Colette, who’s usually lost in her own little world. When this ragtag bunch gathers together as the Art Club, there’s sure to be some problems…”

Territory List

  • The United States & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH)
  • Central and South America (AR, BO, BR, BZ, CL, CO, CR, CU, DO, EC, GF, GT, GY, HN, HT, MX, NI, PA, PE, PY, SR, SV, UY, VE)
  • The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)

Per PR:



The wait is almost over! Mark your calendars for Friday, September 13, 2019, at 23:00 UTC because that’s when HIDIVE will release the DUBCASTSM Edition for ALL 12 episodes of Domestic Girlfriend (Domestic na Kanojo)! You heard us right: You’ll be able to watch the ENTIRE Domestic Girlfriend dub all at once. Let the debate over who’s Best Girl commence!

Our fellow romantics over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“Natsuo is a high schooler experiencing the crushing despair of unrequited love towards his teacher, Hina. In an attempt to lift his spirits, he attends a mixer where he meets a girl named Rui. The two sleep together, expecting never to see one another again, but fate has other plans. His life suddenly becomes more complicated when his father comes home and announces he has remarried a woman with two daughters whom Natsuo has met before: Hina and Rui!”

Territory List

  • The United States & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH)
  • The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • South Africa (ZA)
  • Latin America (AR, BZ, BO, BR, CL, CO, CR, CU, DO, EC, SV, GY, GP, GT, HT, HN, MQ, MX, NI, PA, PY, BL, MF, SR, UY, VE, PE)
  • Portugal (PT)
  • Spain (ES)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)

Per PR:



The story of Sagrada Reset (Sakurada Reset) is only at its halfway point! Tune in on Friday, September 13, 2019, at 15:30 UTC as HIDIVE releases ALL 12 subbed episodes of the second season!

Our fellow time travelers over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“Kei Asai and Misora Haruki belong to their school’s Service Club, an organization sanctioned by Sakurada’s mysterious Bureau to help others. Using Misora’s ability to reset time by up to three days, Kei’s strategic mind and eidetic memory craft solutions for the town’s most puzzling, and troubling, mysteries. However, he may soon be in over his head as an old friend begins to work behind the scenes to end life in Sakurada as they know it.”

New Territory List

  • The United States & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH)

Per PR:



You can never have enough Maria Watches Over Us (AKA Maria sama ga Miteru), so HIDIVE’s going to treat viewers to a third season. Tune in on Monday, September 16, 2019, at 17:00 UTC for ALL of the subbed episodes!

Our soeurs over at Maiden Japan have this to say about the series:

“Summer has arrived at last, and with it comes the promise of summer break for the students of Lillian Girls’ Academy. Sachiko and Yumi retreat to the summer home of the Ogasawara family for a season of rest and relaxation, but their rosy trip soon sours when some old friends of Sachiko’s unexpectedly drop in. These wealthy snobs turn up their noses at Yumi and Sachiko’s relationship — and if Yumi isn’t careful, her blissful summer at Sachiko’s side could come to an abrupt and tearful end.”

Territory List

  • The United States & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH)
  • Central, Latin and South America (AG, AN, AR, AW, BB, BL, BO, BQ, BR, BS, BZ, CL, CO, CR, CU, CW, DM, DO, EC, GD, GF, GP, GT, GY, HN, HT, JM, KN, LC, MQ, MX, NI, PA, PE, PM, PY, SR, SV, SXM, TT, UY, VC, VE)
  • The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)

Per PR:


HIDIVE, MyAnimeList Announce Strategic Partnership

HOUSTON, TX – September 25, 2019 – HIDIVE and MyAnimeList (“MAL”) today announced a strategic partnership that leverages MAL’s crowd-sourced content discovery engine and community platform. The collaboration will enhance HIDIVE’s user experience while also providing MAL users with special access to HIDIVE’s anime content. The initial, publicly visible feature of this partnership includes integration of MAL’s content ratings into HIDIVE’s user experience. Additionally, a MAL-exclusive embedded HIDIVE video player will launch within Q4 2019 to showcase a curated selection of HIDIVE programming.

“By teaming strategically with MyAnimeList, we can couple instant delivery of exciting anime content via Internet streaming with highly relevant, peer-generated ratings, reviews and other data about that programming and much more,” said John Ledford, founder and CEO of HIDIVE. “We are pleased to embark on this collaboration that is intended to promote deeper exploration by anime fans and other viewers of the near limitless capacity for delight and diversity offered by Japan’s anime creators.”

“Our rating information provides a fair and objective view of each anime and manga title which has been generated through the collective effort of our important members. If our rating scores can help guide HIDIVE users to discover new titles from many anime, we are very pleased,” said Atsushi Mizoguchi, CEO of MyAnimeList. “We hope many HIDIVE users who see these ratings will visit MAL, then organize their viewing history and enjoy discussing episodes to share their valuable impressions with our community.”

MAL’s rating system will become available on HIDIVE on September 25, 2019. HIDIVE’s embedded video player will be accessible on MAL shortly thereafter.

About MyAnimeList

MyAnimeList is one of the world’s largest anime and manga communities, with comprehensive databases maintained by its passionate userbase. The website allows members to track their viewing progress, rate and discuss titles, write reviews, and discover new works through various community-driven features. With over 12 million monthly active users from more than 200 different countries, MyAnimeList is an essential resource for the international anime and manga fan.


HIDIVE, LLC operates the HIDIVE branded entertainment streaming service available via web browser, mobile devices and gaming platforms. HIDVE offers a vast array of Japanese pop-culture programming spanning six decades. From the latest anime simulcasts direct from Japan together with exclusive DUBCAST editions, to classic series and kaiju films of yesteryear, HIDIVE’s all-you-can-watch catalog offers something for everyone. HIDIVE’s parent, Sentai Holdings LLC, is a Cool Japan Fund portfolio company.

For more information, or to start a free trial, visit HIDIVE.com. HIDIVE and DUBCAST are trademarks of © HIDIVE LLC.


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Interested in sports anime? You’re in luck: HIDIVE’s got your season tickets to Ahiru no Sora right here, and we’re throwing in courtside seats to go along with them! Tune in every Wednesday starting October 2, 2019, at 10:25 UTC for all the heart-pounding action this basketball anime can provide!

Our fellow basketball anime fans over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“He may be shorter in stature, but Sora Kurumatani can soar and score on the basketball court! With a passion for the sport he inherited from his mother, Sora vows to her that he’ll take top prize at a high school basketball tournament… but there’s one problem. His new school’s basketball club has turned into a hangout for delinquents! Will Sora’s sheer tenacity and amazing three-point shooting change their minds and get the club up and running again?”

Territory List

  • Worldwide (Excluding Asia)

Per PR:



HIDIVE will be streaming Joshiraku every Monday starting October 7, 2019, at 17:00 UTC! Not only can you laugh out loud with this hilarious subbed anime, but you’ll also be able to listen to the earworm that is the Joshiraku ED, “Nippon Egao Hyakkei,” over and over again!

Our fellow comedians over at Maiden Japan have this to say about the series:

“Marii, Kigurumi, Tetora, Gankyou and Kukuru are five young women with completely different interests and personalities, but there’s one thing that they all share: performing Rakugo, a unique form of Japanese comic theatre in which a single artist sits in front of an audience and tells an entire story, portraying multiple characters solely through changes of voice and minimal movements. It’s a challenging art but all five of our leading ladies are determined to become the best they can… and in the meantime, they find themselves hanging out together, both at the Rakugo theater and around town. And they also have a shared acquaintance, a mysterious stranger who’s always wearing a wrestling mask! What’s that about? To find out, pull up a seat and watch as our heroines put on the best show in town in JOSHIRAKU!”

Territory List

  • The United States & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH)
  • The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)
  • Central and South America (AR, BO, BZ, BR, CL, CO, CR, EC, FK, GF, GS, GT, GY, HN, MX, NI, PA, PE, PY, SR, SV, UY, VE)
  • Cuba (CU)
  • Dominican Republic (DO)
  • Haiti (HT)

Per PR:



Better break out those black trench coats and fake tattoos that can seal 10,000-year-old demons, ‘cause HIDIVE’s introducing you to the new chunibyo comedy Outburst Dreamer Boys (Chubyou Gekihatsu Boy) every Friday starting October 4, 2019, at 14:30 UTC!

Our fellow students over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“Mizuki Hijiri just transferred schools, but her chances of having a quiet high school life shatter when she meets the eccentric members of the Hero Club! These “chunibyo” dudes and their youthful delusions of grandeur quickly sweep Mizuki into a world of outrageous hijinks and nonstop fantasy. Noda dreams of becoming a hero. Takashima, resident otaku, longs to date only 2D girls. Tsukumo fancies himself the school’s master manipulator. And then there’s Nakamura, a reincarnation of an angel… or a devil, depending on the day. Mizuki has her work cut out for her in the Hero Club, because while their delusions might be the stuff of fantasy, the trouble they cause is as real as it gets!”

Territory List

  • North America (US, CA, MX, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI)
  • The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)
  • South Africa (ZA)
  • Netherlands (NL, AW, BQ, CW, SX)
  • Scandinavia (FI, SE, NO, DK, IS, GL, SY, FO)
  • Portugal (PT)
  • Central and South America (AR, BO, BR, BZ, CL, CO, CR, EC, FK, GF, GS, GT, GY, HN, NI, PA, PE, PY, SR, SV, UY, VE)
  • Spain (ES)

Per PR:



In Norse mythology, valkyries shepherd souls of slain warriors to Valhalla. In Val x Love (Ikusa x Koi), valkyries are sisters who grow more powerful through intimacy. If you’re looking forward to streaming the Val x Love simulcast, save the date on Saturdays starting October 5, 2019, at 14:30 UTC!

Our fellow valkyries over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“Takuma Akutsu has a “unique” appearance that, unfortunately, leaves him feeling isolated and alone among his high school classmates who shun him. Enter the Valkyries sent by Odin himself! Once they descend into Takuma’s life, he discovers they aren’t scared of him one bit! In fact, they’re super keen to get to know him better. As the intimacy between the Valkyries and Takuma grows, so too do their powers. And that’s a good thing because they’re on orders to slay the vicious monsters intent on destroying the earth. How far will they go to deepen their connection, level up, and save the world… by any means necessary!?!”

Territory List

  • World Wide (Excluding Asia)

Per PR:



Get ready to start your engines, ‘cause HIDIVE knows exactly how you can recover from the hot summer weather: high-speed jet ski races! Tune in every Tuesday starting October 8, 2019, at 15:30 UTC, when we bring you the Kandagawa Jet Girls simulcast for your viewing pleasure!

Our fellow jet skiers over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“‘Jet-Racing’ has become a mega-popular extreme sport across the world, and with good reason! The ‘Jetter’ pilots a high velocity watercraft and is paired with a ‘Shooter’ who blasts rival teams with a hydro gun. It all adds up to explosive, wet-and-wild action as they race to the finish and compete to earn supremacy. Among those competing is Rin Namiki, and racing is in her blood. Rin aspires to become a legendary Jetter just like her mother, and after meeting the cool and gorgeous Shooter Misa Aoi, it looks like Rin’s dreams are finally in reach with a partner who shares her passion! Every race brings them tighter together as a team and closer than ever to their dream of becoming the best Jet Racers on the water.”

Territory List

  • North America (US, CA, MX, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI)
  • The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)
  • South Africa (ZA)
  • Netherlands (NL, AW, BQ, CW, SX)
  • Scandinavia (FI, SE, NO, DK, IS, GL, SY, FO)
  • Portugal (PT)
  • Central and South America ( AR, BO, BR, BZ, CL, CO, CR, EC, FK, GF, GS, GT, GY, HN, NI, PA, PE, PY, SR, SV, UY, VE )
  • Spain (ES)

Per PR:


HIDIVE Falls Hard For “ORESUKI Are you the only one who loves me?”

HOUSTON, TX, October 2, 2019 – HIDIVE announced today that it acquired streaming rights to anime series ORESUKI Are you the only one who loves me? for audiences in North America. Viewers can watch the premiere of this hilarious romcom series on HIDIVE beginning October 2, 2019 at 17:00 UTC and can catch new episodes on following Wednesdays.

Amatsuyu Kisaragi is on top of the world when both his childhood friend and a gorgeous upperclassman ask to meet with him in private. He’s certain they’re both about to confess their love to him — so when they both ask for advice about romancing one of Kisaragi’s friends, his dreams of being the star of a real-life harem anime come crashing down around him! Can Kisaragi somehow find his way out of the “friendzone,” or is he destined to wind up lonely and out of luck in love?

The series’ original creator, Rakuda, joins as scriptwriter and series composer. Noriaki Akitaya (Battle Girl High School, Castle Town Dandelion, Bakuman) directs. BARNUM STUDIO (Girls Beyond the Wasteland, Samurai Champloo, Campione!) is the animation production studio behind the series, while studio CONNECT (Senryu Girl, Armed Girl’s Machiavellism, Strike the Blood) will handle the animation production. The Japanese voice cast stars Daiki Yamashita (Blue Spring Ride, Tamako Market, My Hero Academia) as Amatsuyu Kisaragi (Joro), Haruka Tomatsu (Waiting in the Summer, To LOVE-Ru, Scum’s Wish) as Sumireko Sanshokuin (Pansy), Haruka Shiraishi (Himouto! Umaru-chan, We Never Learn: BOKUBEN, Golden Kamuy) as Aoi Hinata and Sachika Misawa (BanG Dream! S2, Locodol, Yumeiro Patissiere) as Sakura Akino (Cosmos).

For more information on ORESUKI Are you the only one who loves me?, please visit: https://oresukianime-usa.com

For more information on upcoming shows, visit HIDIVE at www.hidive.com and follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hidiveofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hidiveofficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hidiveofficial/

HIDIVE, LLC operates the HIDIVE branded entertainment streaming service available via web browser, mobile devices and gaming platforms. HIDVE offers a vast array of Japanese pop-culture programming spanning six decades. From the latest anime simulcasts direct from Japan together with exclusive DUBCAST editions, to classic series and kaiju films of yesteryear, HIDIVE’s all-you-can-watch catalog offers something for everyone. HIDIVE’s parent, Sentai Holdings LLC, is a Cool Japan Fund portfolio company.


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Fate can be cruel, especially when a lack of a certain trait is considered embarrassing, shameful, and even dangerous. So what is a young noble who can’t use magic to do when her own family makes her an assassin’s target? Find out when HIDIVE simulcasts the ASSASSINS PRIDE anime on Thursdays starting October 10, 2019, at 15:00 UTC!

Our fellow assassins over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“In a world where only nobles wield the sacred power of mana to wage war against the creatures of darkness, a curious absence of ability places young Merida in a precarious position. Under the guise of tutelage, Kufa, a ruthless assassin, is sent to assess Merida’s abilities and determine if she is the true-born heir of the prestigious Angel family. If she does not measure up to her family’s expectations, another, more ruthless plan will be set in motion…”

Territory List

  • World Wide (Excluding Asia) (AF, AX, AL, DZ, AS ,AD, AO, AI, AQ, AG, AR, AM, AW, AU, AT, AZ, BS, BH, BB, BY,BE, BZ, BJ, BM, BO, BQ, BA, BW, BV,BR, IO, BG, BF, BI, CV, CM, CA, KY, CF, TD,CL, CX, CC, CO, KM, CG, CD, CK, CR, CI, HR,CU, CW, CY, CZ, DK, DJ, DM, DO, EC, EG, SV, GQ, ER, EE, ET, FK, FO, FI, FR, GF,TF, GA, GM, GE, DE, GH, GI, GR, GL, GD, GP, GT, GG, GN, GW, GY, HT, HM,VA, HN, HU, IS, IR, IQ, IE, IM, IL, IT, JM, JE, JO, KE, KI, KW, LV, LB, LS, LR, LY, LI, LT, LU, MK, MG,MW, ML, MT, MQ, MR, YT, MX, MD, MC, ME, MS, MA, MZ, NA, NL, NZ, NI, NE, NG, NU, NF, NO, OM, PS, PA, PY, PE, PN, PL, PT, PR, QA, RE, RO, RU, RW, BL, SH, KN, LC, MF, PM, VC, SM, ST, SA, SN, RS, SL, SX, SK, SI, SO, ZA, GS, SS, ES, SD, SR, SJ, SZ, SE, CH, SY, TJ, TZ, TG, TK, TT, TN, TR, TM, TC, UG, UA, AE, GB, US, UM, UY, UZ, VE, VG, VI, WF, EH, YE, ZM, ZW )

Per PR:



Ever wonder what would happen if you went to school with a former enemy for the sake of peace? That could get really awkward really fast, and we can only imagine how competitive gym class would be. Save the date and catch the Z/X Code Reunion anime every Tuesday starting October 8, 2019, at 14:00 UTC!

Our fellow classmates over at Sentai Filmworks have this to say about the series:

“The signing of a peace treaty has secured a tenuous ceasefire between mankind and the Zex, beings who emerged from space/time rifts connected to mysterious, distant worlds. Partnered with a Zex named Rigel, Azumi Kakamigahara must shoulder the fate of her own idyllic world. The unlikely pair head to newly established Fujimisaki Academy, but what destinies await them once they arrive?”

Territory List

  • The United States & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH)
  • The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS)
  • Ireland (IE)
  • Australia (AU)
  • New Zealand (NZ)
  • South Africa (ZA)
  • Spain (ES)
  • Portugal (PT)
  • Netherlands (NL, AW, BQ, CW, SX)
  • Scandinavia (FI, SE, NO, DK, IS, GL, SY, FO)
  • Central, Latin & South America ( AR, BL, BO, BR, BZ, CL, CO, CR, CU, DO, EC, GF, GP, GT, GY, HN, HT, MF, MQ, MX, NI, PA, PE, PR, PY, SR, SV, UY, VE)

Per PR:


“Granblue Fantasy: The Animation Season 2” Soars to HIDIVE

HOUSTON, TX – October 4, 2019 – HIDIVE announced today that it acquired streaming rights to fantasy anime Granblue Fantasy: The Animation Season 2 from studio MAPPA (Kids on the Slope, Ushio & Tora, Dororo), the thrilling follow-up to 2017’s season 1, for audiences in North America. The series premieres on HIDIVE beginning Friday, October 4, 2019 at 16:30 UTC with new episodes following on Fridays at the same time.

Gran and Lyria’s skybound journey continues in Granblue Fantasy: The Animation Season 2! Joined by their crewmates and trusted friends, they take to the skies in an enormous airship in pursuit of their far-flung destination, dodging the soldiers of the Erste Empire who seek to control Lyria’s power to communicate with dangerous primal beasts. Trials and tribulations lie in the endless blue skies above, but with their friends beside them, there are no heights Gran and Lyria can’t reach!

Granblue Fantasy: The Animation Season 2 is based on the hit game by Cygames, continuing Gran and Lyria’s on-screen adventures after the events of season 1. Yui Umemoto (Kids on the Slope, Durarara!!, My Little Monster) will direct the series, which stars Yuki Ono (Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun, ASSASSINS PRIDE, The Devil is a Part-Timer!) as Gran, Nao Toyama (GATE, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, The Asterisk War) as Lyria and Miyuki Sawashiro (High School of the Dead, Bakemonogatari, Mushishi) as Katalina.

For more information on Granblue Fantasy: The Animation Season 2, visit: https://granbluefantasyanimeusa.com.

For more information on upcoming shows, visit HIDIVE at www.hidive.com and follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hidiveofficial
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HIDIVE, LLC operates the HIDIVE branded entertainment streaming service available via web browser, mobile devices and gaming platforms. HIDVE offers a vast array of Japanese pop-culture programming spanning six decades. From the latest anime simulcasts direct from Japan together with exclusive DUBCAST editions, to classic series and kaiju films of yesteryear, HIDIVE’s all-you-can-watch catalog offers something for everyone. HIDIVE’s parent, Sentai Holdings LLC, is a Cool Japan Fund portfolio company.