Internet Search n' Find

Normally, I would be drinking beer - but that doesn’t work as well as Milk:

Find me something that is fun!

One of my favorite games as a kid.

Find me something that can make any anime lover cry. (Tears of joy or sadness surprise me.)

4Kids touching anime

**Find something that fills in this blank:


Golden Grahams!

Find me something associated with Carlsbad, NM.

Carlsbad Caverns

Find a Pokemon Gym Leader


Find me something that’s sucks up dirt.


Find something that is vital in any home emergency kit


Find an animal that no one should own.

Slow Loris

Find something you don’t want your feet to step on

D4 dice.

Find a game that uses those dice.

Dungeons and Dragons paper RPG

Find me a really good non-fiction book

Getting Things Done by David Allen

Find a video game that remains frustrating even today.

This game still irritates me today.

Find me something associated with WWII.

My father, who passed away last month. He served in the 1st Marine Division in World War II, having participated in the battles of Guadalcanal, New Guinea and Pelilu.

Find me something that makes you proud.

Proud of all the brave men who served in the 1st Marine Division during WWII.

Find me something from the strangest anime you have seen.

Tanno and Itou from Papuwa

Find something you’d find roadside.

Broken down car

Find me something that cheers people up!

A hug

Find a Disney Channel show from the past

Find your favorite guilty pleasure.

Poptarts Ice Cream Shoppe line

Find a way you could be fined.