Internet Search n' Find

It’s back from the grave! :ohmy:


Find something that would be difficult to maneuver around.

Only way to maneuver around him is to use the Pokeflute, only one of which exists in the world!

Find something associated with space.

I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. hal 9000

Find something that isn’t afraid to crash into something else. :stuck_out_tongue:

Find something superstitious.

Dropping a knife on the floor means bad luck

Find something associated with code

The Matrix. :stuck_out_tongue:

Find something that isn’t helpful to one’s vision. :blink:

Finger in the Eye

Find something that attracts kitties!

Always works for my cat, haha.

Find something other than glasses that might help you read.

Magnifying Glass

Find something besides water that puts out fires.

only YOU can prevent forest fires.

Find something that isnt found at a construction site.

A basketball team.

Find something that someone might have lost.

A fishing boat.

Find something someone might have won.

A stuffed bear. (Don’t laugh, I won one of these as a kid.)

Find something that not everyone is able to do.

Compose a symphony. :slight_smile:

Find something that doesn’t work well with another of itself. :ohmy:

Video Game TV I guess.

Find two things that don’t go well together.

its a privilege NOT a right! :sick:

Find the root of all evil.

The root of all evil…

Find something too cute for words.

Baby bunny. :slight_smile:

Find something with an irresistible scent.

Hot and ready Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut.

Find something with an irresistible Force.

[quote=“Series5Ranger” post=127060]Hot and ready Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut.

Find something with an irresistible Force.[/quote]

Hot and ready Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut.

Find an immovable object.