Kemono Friends

Kemono Friends

Genres: adventure, comedy, fantasy
Themes: animals, magical creatures, post-apocalyptic
Objectionable content: Mild
Plot Summary: Japari Park is a gigantic integrated zoo. In the zoo, due to the mysterious “sand star” substance, the animals start turning into human-shaped creatures called Animal Girls. Japari Park is a place where many people visit and have fun at, but one day a lost child wanders into the park. The lost child starts a journey to return, but because so many Animal Girls join in on the quest it becomes an unexpected grand adventure.
Number of episodes: 12
Vintage: 2017-01-10

ANN Info Page

Kemono Friends 2

Plot Summary: Serval and Caracal find a “human” child in the forest. As they travel with the child, they meet new Friends, uncover the secrets of Japari Park, and become involved in an event that will “shake the earth.”
Number of episodes: 12
Vintage: 2019-01-07

ANN Info Page

Kemono Friends Screen Adaptation Confirmed as TV Anime

posted on 2016-03-31 13:45 EDT
Animal girl game also has manga adaptation in Shōnen Ace

Kemono Friends TV Anime Reveals 1st Promo Video, Cast, Staff, January Premiere

posted on 2016-10-21 05:15 EDT
Story, key visual also revealed for anime based on Nexon’s smartphone game

TV Anime “Kemono Friends” Confirms January 10, 2017 Premiere

November 22, 2016 9:14am EST

Three More Cast Members Go Wild on “Kemono Friends”

November 28, 2016 9:37am CST
TV anime based on Nexon’s “Zoo RPG” smart phone game begins broadcasting on January 10, 2017

Three More Voice Actresses Get Busy on “Kemono Friends”

November 29, 2016 10:25am CST
TV anime based on Nexon’s “Zoo RPG” smart phone game begins broadcasting on January 10, 2017

Fox, Owl, and Moose Cut Loose in “Kemono Friends” Cast

December 01, 2016 1:46am CST
TV anime based on “Zoo RPG” smart phone game by Nexon debuts on January 10, 2017

Bearly Half a Dozen Animal Girls Join the Cast of “Kemono Friends”

December 03, 2016 8:44am CST
TV anime based on Nexon’s “Zoo RPG” smart phone game kicks off on January 10, 2017

More Moe Mammals Join the Cast of “Kemono Friends”

December 09, 2016 10:27pm CST
TV anime based on “Zoo RPG” smart phone game by Nexon debuts on January 10, 2017

“Kemono Friends” Casts Feline Maids and Leather-Clad Hippo

December 13, 2016 9:47pm CST
TV anime based on Nexon’s “Zoo RPG” smart phone game begins broadcast on January 10, 2017

“Kemono Friends” Rings In the New Year with Key Visual and TV Special

December 14, 2016 8:35am EST
"Beastly New Year! Summer Party" featuring cast members will air on TV Tokyo on January 03, 2017

December 18, 2016

The Cast of “Kemono Friends” Anime Appear in Animal Costumes!

December 19, 2016 8:05pm CST
TV series starts on Jan/10

Kemono Friends Anime’s 2nd Promo Video Previews Opening Theme

posted on 2016-12-22 05:30 EST

Crunchyroll Adds “Kemono Friends” to Winter Anime Simulcasts

January 04, 2017 4:30pm CST
Starts Tuesday 1/10 at 11:05am PST

The Winter 2017 Anime Preview Guide - Kemono Friends

Jan 10th 2017

Animation is weird as hell on this show. I think that alone could turn off people who would otherwise be fans of this show.

Kemono Friends Anime’s Video Marks Cast’s Opening Single Release

posted on 2017-02-08 09:30 EST
Crunchyroll streaming series that premiered on January 10

“Kemono Friends” 1st Episode Has Attracted Huge 1.2 Million Views on Nico Nico

February 14, 2017 7:05am CST
However, currently no plans to relaunch its game app

“Umaru-chan” Author Shares “Kemono Friends” Tribute

February 16, 2017 1:24am CST
With the anime running, Kemono Friends is turning into quite the hit as many post their fanart tributes