Kino's Journey / Kino no Tabi

Yes if Sentai wants to say on my good side, it must licenses and release the 2 short movies. I don’t care if their sub only or not, I must own them.

Well, anything is possible. They took a shot with Ghost Hound recently.

But, if we were placing bets, I wouldn’t bet on it. They have been fairly conservative and not wanting to retread on under-performing titles of the past. Hopefully the JP production companies involved with Kino will realize that any release is better than no release, but as is common knowledge, JP production companies are sometimes very stuck in the old ways of doing business and will remain patient even if it’s decades, if they think that’s better for the property value in the long term.

Can’t go wrong with this one. A great VOD choice! :slight_smile:

Plan to watch something lighter after the second episode, it gets pretty heavy at the end.

Yup, that was an interesting episode, but I kind of saw it coming.


I figured their cargo was human and eaten. I felt really bad for the rabbits after that was confirmed and I think Kino felt bad about killing them too. What a waste!

Episode 3 -


The power of words can be very strong. A sad poem born of a poet’s grief gets twisted into prophecy for others to live or die by. How heartbreaking this was. One country waits to die, while another chooses to annihilate a country to prevent the prophecy from coming true, thereby saving their own lives. It is also a good reflection of the world today. How many people twist words around to justify their actions or start wars? I did like the way the four stories joined.

This series seems to be quite dark.


Ep. 5, normally you’d need a larger crane or 2-3 guys to move standard lengths of rail, as jointed rail is 11 yards long at anywhere from 55-155 lbs per yard. I don’t think it takes anything away from the episode, although I was disappointed to see Kino not find what was at the end of the line.

:laugh: I was pleasantly surprised I began to like watching it. I first saw episode number one on here, but I wrote it off too slow. Anyway, I am ignorant, this show is great once you get involoved. [details=spoiler]I love the way Kino dispatched those slavetraders that time, she took care of them at first, but in the end the scorpion could not stop from trying to sting a person. I will not give anything away, because I am still watching the series also. :kiss: [/details]

MOD EDIT Please use spoiler tags.

:laugh: I was pleasantly surprised I began to like watching it. I first saw episode number one on here, but I wrote it off too slow. Anyway, I am ignorant, this show is great once you get involoved. [details=spoiler]I love the way Kino dispatched those slavetraders that time, she took care of them at first, but in the end the scorpion could not stop from trying to sting a person. I will not give anything away, because I am still watching the series also. :kiss:[/details][/quote]

Do you know the meaning of the word “SPOILERS”?

Is it my fault you haven’t seen this episode?

Is it my fault you haven’t seen this episode?[/quote]

Some people get really annoyed at spoilers in forum posts-not just here, but in all forums dealing with anime/TV shows/movies/books. However, they don’t get upset just for themselves, but for unsuspecting readers to follow. Remember, Alice, these forum posts are out there for a long time and will be read by people who may have never seen the episode you talk about. Please be kind to them and don’t spoil the surprise.

The “spoiler” tool is in the “Boardcode” box at the top of the post writing block. It looks like a web page with a downward-pointing green arrow in the lower right corner. You can use it in one of two ways: click on the icon and spoiler tags are placed in your post with the cursor in between. Then write your text to be included in the spoiler. The second way (which is what I use) is to write the text, highlight what needs to be included in the spoiler and click on the spoiler icon. The spoiler tags are placed at the head and tail of the text.

Hope this helps.

As an added visual guide, here is the proper way to make spoilers:

Highlight the text you want to make a spoiler, and click the icon highlighted by the red arrow. It’s that simple! Please learn to use it properly, thank you.

Is it my fault you haven’t seen this episode?[/quote]

I have seen this alice. That’s not the point. We don’t post spoilers on this forum unless the thread explicitly states that the thread has spoilers. No one does it, and the rules tell you not to do it. It is also called common courtesy. Don’t ruin a show for others just because you feel the need to do it.

We’re still arguing because someone can’t get the board rules through their head?

One reminder should be plenty, then goodbye.

Episode 9 –

[details=spoiler]A frightening episode. When you think that Shakespeare once said that “all the world’s a stage” and that we are only the players on that stage, it is chilling to think that our lives might be mere words on the pages of a book. As this episode unfolds, reality becomes more and more questionable. In this country of books, only those books deemed harmless by the Department of Reading and Welfare are considered suitable for reading. The safe books are chosen by the critics that work for the department and are basically children’s or how to books. The people that live here are so docile and brain washed, that they accept this.

But there is a rebel group called the Publication Syndicate that believes that all books are meant to be read. However, books deemed harmful by the Department are locked away. Dangerous books breed dangerous ideas. And this is where it becomes scary. When the rebels are caught, they are taken to the castle to be re-educated, but it turns out they will become the critics. And the critics seem to be insane. Was the crazy author right? Did he create this world on paper and are the readers caught up in his fantasy?

While this episode was an interesting commentary on the way the world is today – some still think “harmful” books should be banned or burned – it also created a nightmare world where the line between reality and fantasy blurs and insanity takes over. And when Kino reads the book that is about everything, the pages are blank. Does this mean that you have to write your own story or are you already a fictional character in someone else’s story? A good episode that makes you think.[/details]

No spoiler alert, just a thank you! Two months ago, I finally finished Kino Journey. Thank you everyone on this discussion for telling me what great anime that was. I might not re-watch it, but it was fun, heart-warming, intelligent, sometime actiony(if that is even a word–lol), and filled with unintentional learning. Well, I hope my Karma score doen’t go down anymore I might have get off of here. Anyway, I just want to thank everyone on this topic for your great reviews of the show.

I loved this series so much! especially the last couple, there is no way i want to spoil it for you guys!!! also anyone know how to contact the creator of kinos journey? i want to send them a letter or email or something telling them how much i loved it.
February 08, 2015 7:40am CST
Along with volume 19, Kouhaku Kuroboshi art books and exhibits planned

I too would like to celebrate Kino’s b-day by finally adding Kino’s movies up on the shelf next to Kino’s tv series.

A Kino live action movie and/or series, preferably by la-la land, would be icing on the cake.
June 08, 2016 1:58pm CDT
Sōma Saitō co-stars as the motorcycle Hermes

###Kino’s Journey DVD Announcement in June 2017 Slate
February 21, 2017