###This Ugly Yet Beautiful World/Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai
Genres: action, drama, romance, science fiction
Themes: shapeshifting, Split Personality
Objectionable content: Significant
Number of episodes: 12
Vintage: 2004-04-01 to 2004-06-17
Plot Summary: Takeru is a typical high school student until he saves Hikari, an alien girl with no memory of her past. Committing himself to take care of her, Takeru’s life is suddenly filled with aliens and monsters.
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This Ugly Yet Beautiful World Products
this unnecessarily deep title belies a shallow menagerie of pure harem madness, without the subtleties that allow titles like Tenchi Muyo to get away with it. It’s not bad per se, but it’s not Evangelion or anything.
Harem? The lead guy has his romantic interest, and her rival. There are other girls but no one else shares more than one romantic interest. While it features a number of tropes, harem is not one I got from it.
even if he isn’t directly working on banging the other chicks (like his little sister for instance) I still think this loosely qualifies for harem status since it features the other female archetypes prominently even in a romantic light. I suppose that could be said about most anime or shows even…
it certainly isn’t Yumeria =)
If the plot had been any thinner it would have disappeared completely.
Hey I actually liked this series. One of the few ones with romance I like.
And some of us aren’t impressed with Eva
ducks and covers
It’s more or less Gainax’s 20th anniversary tribute to themselves.
Honestly don’t think it was really meant to be more then tribute fluff.
Basically it’s a fluffy mash of Gainax.
It’s more or less Gainax’s 20th anniversary tribute to themselves.
Honestly don’t think it was really meant to be more then tribute fluff.
Basically it’s a fluffy mash of Gainax.:P[/quote]
For some reason not many people get that.
even if he isn’t directly working on banging the other chicks (like his little sister for instance) I still think this loosely qualifies for harem status since it features the other female archetypes prominently even in a romantic light. I suppose that could be said about most anime or shows even…
it certainly isn’t Yumeria =)[/quote]
That’s his cousin who has the crush on Takeru, not his little sister, ugh. No one else shows any overt romantic interest in him at all. I’m going to tag the rest of this: In fact the other girls spend time back and forth helping the two who do like him. For there to be a harem, there have to be multiple people interested in one person. All there is here is a triangle, and it’s more like a right angle because Takeru never even notices his cousin. They bring in a bunch of the usual plot elements and mix them around - the robot, the aliens really being very old, and so forth. There’s even some big brother complex with the other main character (Takeru’s bud) and his sister, but not because she’s in love with her big brother so much as they’re super close because their parents died and she has no one else. Yes, that one is his sister. Maybe it’s time to watch this one again so you can post more informed comments about it. The cousin thing is pretty basic anime trope. I agree with the idea that it’s a fluffy mash of Gainaxiness, because in a way it’s all over the map without sticking to any particular genre. Everything from robots and aliens to slice-of-life going to school. And they throw in the requisite beach episode and festival episode along the way.
For some more help on tropes: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AnimeTropes?from=Main.AnimeTrope
Yumeria is by definition harem, as is Maburaho, in both the main character has multiple girls who all are in love with him.
You forgot to mention hot springs as well :dry:
Been a while since I watched it myself. But there’s no shortage of fanservice in this one, that’s for sure.
It may be short, but I did find it rather enjoyable myself. Although, of those who have seen the series did you notice the Please Teacher and Urusei Yatsura references in the second ep? I wouldn’t be surprised if I was the only one who caught the indirect mention of Lum, as it is an older series, but I do know that others have made mention of Please Teacher here before.
[size=4]All 12 Episodes of This Ugly Yet Beautiful World Are Now Available on iTunes![/size]
May 13, 2016 2:01pm CDT
2004 Shaft collaboration “This Ugly Yet Beautiful World” are slated to be collected in new Japanese Blu-ray set