

Plot Summary: In a post-apocalyptic future that has been torn apart by shadowy creatures known as the Earless, humanity’s heroes are the Players, who pilot mecha known as Equipment to battle their inhuman enemies while earning fame and fortune to boot. Echo is a young tech-head who dreams of working amongst the Players and their Equipment, going so far as to build a makeshift mecha of his own, but he has long since resigned himself to life in the destitute scrap-heaps that cover so much of the world, now. That is, until he discovers an amnesiac named μ (or “Mu”) who has a mechanical port in her back that is the telltale sign of a Player. The pair become fast friends, and they vow to use their skills to fight for the world and defeat The Earless.
Vintage: 2020-04

ANN Info Page

Kagerou Daze’s Jin, Eureka 7’s Dai Sato Create Listeners Anime Project

posted on 2019-06-08 13:17 EDT by Crystalyn Hodgkins
pomodorosa designs “boy-meets-girl” anime with rock music motif

Listeners Original TV Anime Reveals Cast, More Staff in Video

posted on 2020-01-27 04:13 EST by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Rock music anime by JIN, Dai Sato, Taichi Hashimoto stars Rie Takahashi

Rock Battle TV Anime ‘Listeners’ Confirms More Cast, Characters, Story, Ending Song Artist, April Premiere

posted on 2020-02-01 11:09 EST by Egan Loo
Ayumu Murase, Rie Takahashi, Rie Kugimiya, Kana Hanzawa, Junichi Suwabe star


Funimation to Stream Listeners Anime This Spring

posted on 2020-02-16 01:58 EST by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Company to stream original TV anime with subtitles, English dub

Not even the end of February and they are announcing stuff for the Spring already ?

Geez …

LISTENERS TV Anime Unleashes the Power of Rock in New PV

March 01, 2020 8:55am CST
New key visual revealed for upcoming original project that hits Japanese airwaves in April of 2020

Listeners Anime’s English Dub Premieres at Fan Expo Dallas

posted on 2020-03-04 14:13 EST by Alex Mateo
Fan Expo Dallas takes place on March 27-29

Listeners | Official Trailer

Listeners | Official Teaser Trailer

The Spring 2020 Anime Preview Guide - Listeners

Apr 3rd 2020

Connect to the Music of New Anime LISTENERS with OP Lyric Video

April 04, 2020 10:10am CDT
ACCAMER’s “Into the blue’s” kicks off the love letter to rock music

Listeners Anime Reveals English Dub Cast

posted on 2020-04-09 15:00 EDT by Alex Mateo
Justin Briner, Bryn Apprill, Lee George, Morgan Lauré, Mark Stoddard, Mikaela Krantz lead cast

Listeners – Opening Theme – Into the blue’s

Listeners – Ending Theme – Muse

A Special Message from Dai Sato | Listeners

Listeners – Ending Theme 2 – Borders

A Special Message from Rie Takahashi | Listeners

A Special Message from Murase Ayumu | Listeners

Listeners – Ending Theme 3 – Slip out!

Listeners – Ending Theme 4 – Rainy lain

Listeners – Ending Theme 5 – Top of ocean