

Genres: mystery, science fiction
Themes: parody
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: In a near future, the world’s population has decreased dramatically due to a deadly virus that terrorized the whole planet. Now people eat only synthetic food and tend to avoid as much as possible any form of physical connection or “real contact” with living creatures. Real shops have disappeared from the streets, and with the exception of the community centers (what were once called schools), people communicate with each others exclusively online. But even in this tightly controlled and systematized society, there is a group of young girls who actively pursued real contact. And when a string of brutal murders emerges, their challenge to this closed world is just about to begin.
Running time: 99 minutes
Vintage: 2010-08-28

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Loups=Garous Blu-ray (Hyb)
Loups=Garous DVD (Hyb)

Loups=Garous English Dub Cast

Directed by Steven Foster
Translation by Javier Lopez

English Cast
Makino Haduki - Melissa Davis
Ayumi Kono - Corey Hartzog
Mio Tsuduki - Hilary Haag
Rei Myao - Luci Christian

Yuko Yabe - Serena Varghese
Riichiro Ishida - Andy McAvin
Toji Kunugi - David Matranga
Shizue Fuwa - Shelley Calene-Black

Per Janice Williams @ The Fandom Post

This looks pretty good. I’m excited about this one. When I get some money I’ll be buying it. it looks quite dark for it’s art style…I LOVE that.

Bought it, watched it, really enjoyed it. Apparently others disliked it though? At any rate I pretty much agree with theron martin’s review of it on ANN.

Actually from what I’ve seen most people enjoyed it, though there was some controversy over the “gender confusion” in the dub.

In fact, I thought the “gender confusion” actually worked for the movie’s overall theme.

Yes that’s half of the rant in the ANN forums. the other is that people think it was terrible. shrug I really enjoyed it though, may review it. there’s problems with it sure, but it was still a good movie. Again Theron’s review speaks for me pretty much.

Well, in all fairness every show and movie has a rant about how terrible it is on ANN…lol

Don’t forget the whole “they mispronouced/misspelled her name” rant. that one’s priceless. Awww, ANN forumners…ya gotta luve them. :dry:

P.S. Look, he/she is wearing a boy’s school uniform. It works either way.

Cody you are so true! I have a love/hate relationship with ANN. Love the news and reviews, hate the forums!! hah! And yes Tonka that was an embarrassingly long never-ending, he didn’t want to drop, discussion about how the name should be spelt. Ugh.

Yes, you have to love the never-ending arguments about Romanization of Japanese names. But I love how it’s perfectly fine when the Japanese mispronounce or misspell an English name. :wink:

I read the forums on ANN for the same reason I read comments on Yahoo, CNN, and Fox News stories. It’s amazing how stupid people can be when they don’t have to show their face.

dragonrider_cody wrote:

that sir is a quote for the books.

Anyway about the movie.( Very Minor Spoilers) One of my favorite aspects of the film was just the technology itself. it was very realistic, I could see us going that way in less then 10 years, with iPhones and such right now, most of that stuff isn’t a stretch. Also technology was neutral, like it is in real life. i appreciate that. Each character seems to have a different take on technology, or uses it in a different way, which i found interesting. Also loved the message about how sometimes we rely too much on technology. When the characters needed to go somewhere they all relied on the GPSs in their smartphones, just whipping it out without thought. Reminds me of my friends. Whenever they’re driving somewhere outside of town, that’s what they do. Me on the otherhand? I’m like Mio, i only use my GPS when i have to. I try to learn where I’m going. I kinda already know most places and just drive. It’s not my frist thought to reach for the GPS. I will when I have to though. Hah. Just a nice parallel I drew. Maybe I’ll mention it in my review…

Loups=Garous (Sub/Dub) is live at HIDIVE