Base off the anime and manga by Shotaro Tokuno so this forum game is going to be about anime like the few we already have * cough cough Anime Links by @miquelfire Altered Title by @Series5Ranger The Title Game by @LadyOfWicca
But I thought we have dedicated game night for some of us that might be up and making the game easier to play
So the rules. U name an anime title that the above user post and u of that name it has to be in connection to the above user post
Some of the anime connection that u can pick from : **Gender, Hair Style, Hair Color, Plot of Story, Location and or Genre **
I’ll start
Because I’m exciting by this new anime
Kanojo Okarishimasu
Before I start, I would like to clarify. So this in terms is similar to the “6 degrees between anyone and anything” articles from the old issues of MAD Magazine, where pretty much anything that 2 programs have in common can be connected together.