Genres: comedy, slice of life Themes: friendship, iyashikei, school life, shoujo-ai Objectionable content: None Plot Summary: Asahioka Branch School, a combined elementary and middle school in an isolated village, has only five students total, four girls and one boy. The girls are best friends, and pass the season with traditional activities like harvesting mountain herbs and fishing. Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2013-10-07
Genres: comedy, slice of life Themes: iyashikei, school life Plot Summary: With just five students (none in the same grade ), the four girls of the tiny Asahioka Branch School still enjoy watching cherry blossoms, playing in rivers, digging potato, and building igloos together. The pace is very slow yet enjoyable and heartwarming. Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2015-07-06
Plot Summary: Summer vacation is drawing to an end. When Suguru wins a free trip to Okinawa, all of the five students of Asahigaoka branch school are excited to end their vacation with a bang. Along with Hikage, Konomi, and their teacher and the candy store owner, everyone goes to Okinawa for a fun three-day trip. There, Natsumi makes friends with Aoi, the girl who helps out at the hotel they stay in.Vintage: 2018-08-25 Premiere date 2018-08-25 Opening Theme: “Ao no Rakugaki” by nano.RIPE
I really don’t see FUNi going after this one.
There is a chance that it winds up an NISA pick up, but seeing as how it’s a Media Factory title, I expect it’ll be a CR/Sentai title in end.
From the description alone, I really want to see this one, just to see how the hell they can make such a specific and narrow environment even remotely entertaining for 12 full episodes.
I’m pretty sure the whole FUNi sub only release is a test release, much like Sentai’s sub-only BDs.
However, beyond that, they’re just not much one for picking up stuff like this, which is why I don’t see them going after this one.
Though, like you said, I guess there’s a chance that it could be a package deal with Unbreakable Machine-Doll, which is another Media Factory title I’m not sure where will end up.
This seems like another likely Sentai license, given the streaming area. Plus, Sentai seems to have a soft spot for slice of life series. Plus, they’ve picked up a lot of Media Factory titles over the last couple of years.
I actually enjoyed the first episode much more than I thought I would.
It is a very slow paced series like I thought it would be, but it did get a few chuckles out of me.
That description + that character’s art = creepy. I guess standards are different in a land where 13 is the age of consent and 25, the “christmas cake”, is the age at which spinsterhood starts.
I wish Japan would acknowledge that K-On! is the supreme champion of the “young cute girls doing cute things cutely” genre and just stop making shows that just live in K-On!'s shadow.