Plot Summary: Set in a world where Japanese oni demons and humans coexist, “the story of love, friendship, and underpants” follows three oni girls who transfer to a Tokyo middle school. They strive to improve the misconstrued image of oni with the help of a key item with hidden powers — oni underpants, or Onipan. Vintage: 2022-04-11
I’m not 100% sure how I feel about this. It’s cute ,but something just is not hitting for me. I don’t feel the need to keep up every week like the other shows Sentai picked up this season.
Also can tell the main three Oni’s VA’s are new to acting.
I’m enjoying the show. It seems to be aimed at schoolkids and has a bit of a PBS afternoon vibe to it but it’s not as bad as some previous series (Dimensional High School.) I think the way they combine the five four to five minute episodes to make one standard length episode is clever. I was stumped on how to mark it on LiveChart as they list each five minute episode separately but I just advance the “counter” by five each week when I watch it.