Genres: action, drama, horror, psychological, romance, science fiction Themes: aliens, blunted affect, crime, fighting, gore, tragedy Objectionable content: Intense Plot Summary: Shinichi Izumi is a normal high school boy whose right hand has become infected with an alien parasite that names itself “Migi” (“right”). Migi is the first parasite to develop a symbiotic relationship with its host, as he and Shinichi slowly develop a grudging friendship. Migi isn’t the only Parasite on earth, however, and as cases of Parasites killing humans begin to emerge, humans seek to kill off Parasites. Shinichi and Migi find themselves caught in between these two sides of the struggle over planet earth. Number of episodes: 24 Vintage: 2014-10-08
Probably not a Sentai title, since the only ntv series they’ve picked up so far has been Gatchaman Crowds.
However, with this getting really good reviews as well as it being a Madhouse series, I plan on checking this out later.
Animorphs (Yeerks) + Midori Days was pretty much spot on. It even features a scene rather similar to one in that anime. Unfortunately the power that the parasite has is far in excess of what was shown in Midori Days. Shows that don’t follow their own rules, or have no rules to follow, but are still taking themselves seriously don’t jibe with me so I wonder if this one will be worth its salt.
The animation is pretty good, so that’s a plus.
Also, having seen Mardock Scramble, images such as this from Parasyte are uncomfortably, and unintentionally, humorous:
Parasyte’s Migi Gets Its Sound Effects From A Beatboxing Teenage Girl
posted on 2014-10-16 14:30 EDT by Bamboo Dong
Talented voice actress Aya Hirano may lend her voice to Parasyte -the maxim-'s lovable alien parasite Migi, but the creature’s sound effects as he squiggles and squirms around? That’s the handiwork of 17-year-old Rinka, a beatboxer who’s been making a name for herself with her technique and sick human-made beats. In addition to endorsement deals and commercial appearances, Rinka is also the winner of the annual Human Beatbox Battle Japan2013.
Here’s a video of Rinka with Hirano:
And here’s a taste of what Rinka is capable of:
You can catch Parasyte -the maxim- on Crunchyroll every Wednesday at 1:29 PM EST.
Are all the musical sounds in the video coming from her? In that last video, it sounds like something else is providing the beat. Beatboxing is a skill, but I don’t really understand its appeal. It does make for some interesting SFX in Parasyte though.
Speaking of, Episode 2 of Parasyte was very preachy and it was neither original nor subtle about it. That was rather disappointing. Also, how can a disembodied head speak?
Even though the hand grows lips (Oh Mardock Scramble…) to speak I was starting to think that only the main character could hear what it said after the bathroom scene in ep 2.
I seen him looking like that in the OP. I assume (at least planned to happen during this season, however long it be) something will cause him to ditch the glasses.
Finally, as you guys may know, there are a bunch of schedule changes coming up due to broadcast shifts in Japan’s schedule. If a show is off one week, it will resume the next.
Parasyte -the maxim- - off 12/31
Updates will be made to the list if there are any changes or additions.
I wonder if this series has been licensed.
CR updated the series image on the series page today to include the English title (also added to the first post).