Phi Brain: Puzzle of God / Phi-Brain: Kami no Puzzle

[url=][/url] [b]Episode 18 is now LIVE![/b]
[url=][/url] [b]Episode 19 is now LIVE![/b]
[url=][/url] [b]Episode 20 is now LIVE![/b]
[url=][/url] [b]Episode 21 is now LIVE![/b]
[url=][/url] [b]Episode 22 is now LIVE![/b]
[url=][/url] [b]Episode 23 is now LIVE![/b]

This show is getting a dub right? Might check it out here before seeing if I’m going to buy it or not.

Sentai’s announcement only mentions the license and digital distribution. There are no specifics on the home video release, so there is no way of knowing whether it will be dubbed or not. I guess it will depend highly on the streaming numbers and the ratings it pulls when it finally hits Anime Network.

Hmm then what was the show they announced that they said was getting a dub? Or maybe I just thought this show was getting a dub for some reason.

Hmm then what was the show they announced that they said was getting a dub? Or maybe I just thought this show was getting a dub for some reason.[/quote]

Several of the recently picked up simulcasts are getting a BD release according to the PRs, so they’re going to get a dub.
But I don’t remember them directly saying any of them are getting a dub, save for Persona 4, which they commented about hoping they get the cast they’re trying to get.

[url=][/url] [b]Episode 24 is now LIVE![/b]
[size=20]Phi Brain’s 1st Series Finale Delayed 1 Week[/size]
posted on 2012-03-24 16:26 EDT

The first Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle series’ finale will be delayed one week. The puzzle adventure anime’s first season was set to end on March 25, but the finale has been postponed for high school baseball game coverage. The finale will instead air on April 1, a week before the premiere of the anime’s second season.

The anime follows Kaito, a puzzle-loving freshman at the private high school named “Root Academy.” He is selected as a candidate for “Phi Brain” for his extraordinary mental skills. One day, he and his childhood friend Nonoha tackle the “unsolvable puzzle” hidden in the underground ruins near the school. They are guided by the mobile device given to Kaito by the student council president.

Phi Brain is currently streaming on The Anime Network. It was licensed by Sentai Filmworks in October.

I’m pretty sure this will affect our streaming as well.

I was waiting for Rai to post an “official” announcement, but I guess he’s busy.

Looks like our stream is affected.
The new premiere date for the season finally Ep. 25 is:

[size=16]April 4 @ 4:00 pm EST / 1:00 pm PDT[/size]

I figured this would be the case when I posted the ANN article in this thread a few days ago.
Still makes me a sad panda though.

Especially with how awesome these past few episodes have been, and even more so with that completely EPIC next ep. preview at the end of ep. 24!

[quote=“TheCoffeeGod”]I was waiting for Rai to post an “official” announcement, but I guess he’s busy.

Looks like our stream is affected.
The new premiere date for the season finally Ep. 25 is:

April 4 @ 4:00 pm EST / 1:00 pm PDT

I figured this would be the case when I posted the ANN article in this thread a few days ago.
Still makes me a sad panda though.

Especially with how awesome these past few episodes have been, and even more so with that completely EPIC next ep. preview at the end of ep. 24![/quote]

Sorry, my bad. I was supposed to do it. :whistle:

Sorry, my bad. I was supposed to do it. :whistle:[/quote]

I guess I can blame you then!

That’s cool, I was just waiting on an “official” post before I added it to this thread, so I could have something to link to.


Sorry, my bad. I was supposed to do it. :whistle:[/quote]

I guess I can blame you then!

That’s cool, I was just waiting on an “official” post before I added it to this thread, so I could have something to link to.[/quote]

Rai put it on Facebook and Twitter… and I was supposed to do it here. sigh I’m such a girl today.
[size=20]Sentai Filmworks Adds Phi Brain Anime’s 2nd Season[/size]
posted on 2012-03-29 15:10 EDT
The Anime Network to stream 25-episode sequel series; home video release to follow later this year

Sentai Filmworks announced on Wednesday that it has licensed the second season of the Phi Brain: Puzzle of God (Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle) television anime series. The Anime Network and “other digital outlets” will stream the 25-episode sequel series online. Sentai Filmworks will then release the series on home video later this year.

The anime’s first season follows Kaito, a puzzle-loving freshman at the private high school named “Root Academy.” He is selected as a candidate for “Phi Brain” for his extraordinary mental skills. One day, he and his childhood friend Nonoha tackle the “unsolvable puzzle” hidden in the underground ruins near the school. They are guided by the mobile device given to Kaito by the student council president.

In the second season, the story continues to revolve around the Orpheus bangle and Phi Brain, but the puzzle battles heat up. A new enemy, a group of boys named Orpheus Order, appears before Kaito and the others, and the battles begin anew.

The new season will premiere in Japan on April 8. Sentai Filmworks licensed licensed the first season, and The Anime Network is streaming the first television season online. The first season’s final episode, which was delayed by one week, will air on April 1.

Per PR:



HOUSTON, March 29, 2012—Sentai Filmworks announces it has added Season 2 of the new adventure series PHI-BRAIN ~ KAMI NO PUZZLE from famed director and manga creator Junichi Sato (Sailor Moon, Sergeant Frog, Pretear, Aria,) and legendary anime studio SUNRISE (Mobile Suit Gundam, Cowboy Bebop, Sorceror Hunters, Dirty Pair, Escaflowne.) Season 2 takes the outstanding 25 episodes of Season 1 and builds from there with another 25 action-packed episodes.

The puzzles get tougher and even more deadly as Kaito Daimon continues his battle against the power hungry Givers of the POG. And with one team member already switching sides, will Kaito have what it takes to keep solving the deadly puzzle traps put before him and reach the fabled Puzzle of God? More importantly, will he be able to solve the puzzles AND maintain his sanity? The fate of the entire world might just depend on it in PHI-BRAIN ~ KAMI NO PUZZLE SEASON 2!

PHI-BRAIN ~ KAMI NO PUZZLE SEASON 2 will soon be available digitally on Anime Network Online, followed by many other digital outlets. A home video release will follow later in the year.

About Sentai Filmworks:
Sentai Filmworks is one of the fastest-growing anime companies in North America, including hit series like Highschool of the Dead, Guin Saga, Needless, Canaan and Angel Beats. Sentai Filmworks programs can be found on home video distributed by Ingram Entertainment, Baker & Taylor, Section23Films, The Right Stuff and other good and fine distributors. Digital product offerings may be found at iTunes, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, Zune Marketplace, Anime Network, Playstation Network and YouTube.

You know, I was just thinking since they got season 2 as well…

The NHK JP homepage for the series has been putting up the puzzles & solutions for each puzzle in each episode.
It would be kind of a nice touch on Sentai’s part, to include a little booklet in their release of what NHK is posting on their site.

[quote=“TheCoffeeGod”]2nd season license confirmed!,com_kunena/Itemid,183/catid,4/func,view/id,112196/[/quote]

That is so awesome! This is one of my favorites. :cheer: