Save All Forums Button Game

What would all of us Forumers do to Save all our beloved online forums from total annihilate.
If there was a save all forums button would you push it.

Forum Game Rules.

Create a save all forums button title. You can put the words save all forums at the end of your title. And describe how your button will work. The below poster has the option to push ( the above poster’s ) button, to save all forums, from (the above poster’s) button function. And then the below poster will create their own save all forums button title. And describe how their works.

Best Example:

Poster A. make forums great again, (save all forums)
The Global World Wide Web, would restart, back to the 2000s, Microsoft days, when Internet forums were the bee’s knees.

Poster B. I would push the above button 2,000 times to go back to the 2000s

Only Internet forums allowed on the internet. (save all forums)
I would beg Microsoft to make a all things that are not forums, internet blocker.

Ok did I get you’ll attention!
if so, then let the forum games begin again.

Always online popup forums windows. (save all forums)
A always online little popup will be on, even if you leave the forums site.