Genres: adventure, comedy, drama, mystery, psychological, romance, science fiction, thriller Themes: butterfly effect, conspiracy, technology, Time travel, tragedy Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: Rintaro Okabe is a self-proclaimed “mad scientist” who believes that an international scientific organization named SERN is conspiring to reshape the world according to its own interests. He and his friend Itaru Hashida inadvertently create a gadget able to send messages to the past. The discovery and experimentation of this instrument become the catalyst of fundamental alterations to the present. Okabe is the only one aware of these changes because he possesses a Reading Steiner, the ability to retain the memories from previous experienced timelines. Oblivious of the consequences of their actions, Rintaro and his friends end up creating modifications of grievous proportions. He must then try to find a way to return as close as possible to the original timeline in order to save his precious lab partners. Number of episodes: 25 Vintage: 2011-04-05 to 2011-09-13
Genres: drama, mystery, psychological, romance, science fiction, thriller Themes: amnesia, butterfly effect, conspiracy, technology, Time travel, tragedy Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: A few months have passed since the members of the Future Gadgets Lab inadvertently unlocked the power of time travel using a phone and an old microwave, but for Rintaro Okabe it may as well have been an eternity. While his friends’ memories remain mostly hazy, Okabe can still clearly recall crossing over hundreds of world lines, watching as his friends suffered and died innumerable times for meddling with the fabric of the universe. Though he ended up saving the life of his best friend Mayuri, Okabe is still suffering from the trauma of being unable to prevent the murder of the brilliant young scientist Kurisu Makise. He has focused on forgetting the past and moving on with his life, but he is constantly reminded by future freedom fighter Suzuha that their current world-line is set to be torn apart by a devastating Third World War, and all of the Future Gadget Lab members will be caught up in the struggle. Okabe must decide whether he will once again fight the future one final time. Number of episodes: 23 Vintage: 2018-04-11
I loved this anime. The characters were so well developed and likable. Even the ones who turned out to be bad guys. When it was funny it was very, very funny and when it was serious it was heartwrenching. The ending was perfect and kind of a suprise.
The dub was great, Tatum and “hack” carried it FTW. The plot, well, it fails. I can give it a pass as they just ripped off the John Titor thing and didn’t bother to update it so that it actually makes sense, but it still irks me.
As Wikipedia will tell you, the IBM 5100 came with BASIC installed. Yep. There are other nails in the plot’s coffin, but that’s the shortest one to type.
I enjoyed it, I preordered it, I’ll see if I can get Tatum to sign it next weekend, but I was a little disappointed by it. With a rightstuf preorder I doubt I’ll even really notice the delay
I wonder if Funi will run the Steins;gate movie in NA theaters after their apparently succesful run with the DBZ movie. I might be interested in seeing that, maybe.
Of course, if Funi runs it in theaters then that might be the only way to see it, as Funi postponed the Eva 3.33 movie indefinitely, in order to “accommodate the theatrical run of the film”.