New Game for the New Year.
Rules: Post an item for your Shrine and a Shrine item for the below person ( one Shrine item in regards to your own Shrine item of choice and one Shrine item for your pick for the person below, per post ) that pertains to you and then one shrine item for the below person. ( The Shrine item can be worded or a pic.) Which you would post, what your Shrine item is pertaining to and how you would use your own Shrine item and then person below would post how they would use the Shrine item that the above person picked for them.
Person A :
My Shrine item is white alchemist gloves
that pertains to Roy Mustang
I would use gloves to set my soul ablaze for my love of anime
other person’s Shrine item is a PS5
Person B: PS5. I would use it to play classics all day
My Shrine item is a mask
it pertains to tuxedo mask
I would use it to cosplay
other person’s Shrine item is a Time Machine
Game in session
My Shrine item would be a Pink Suit.
it pertains to Part lll of Lupin iii
I would use it as a babe magnet
other person’s Shrine item would be taiyakis