posted on 2003-06-04 02:03 EDT
ADV releasing Those Who Hunt Elves 2 in August
Sentai Selects: Complete Collection - Cover/Disc Art
I still have my old 4-thinpak ADV box of this. A fun series, and a classic dub…it’s too bad that 3 out of the 4 main cast members (and one director) dropped out of the dub world.
Cast remains the same as previous dub release
ADR Director - Steven Foster
English Dub Cast
Junpei Ryuzoj - Andrew Klimko
Celsia Marie Claire - Jessica Calvello
Airi Komiyama - Kelly Manison
Ritsuko Inoue - Rozanne Curtis
Yuri - Aaron Krohn
Prosecution Judge - Alissa Alban
Emmy - Amy Jackson
Villager - Anna Bechtol
Captain Sunfish - Anthony Dorian
Bishop Ahab - Bob Elliot
Guard - Brad Atwell
Pirate Hammerhead - Brett Weaver
Guard - Carl Marks
Elf - Catherine Eisele
Drunk - Chris Mattsen
Mike - Christopher Bourque*
Carrie - Cynthia Martinez
Tatrise - Cynthia Martinez
Guard - Dan Rockwell
Guard Captain - Daniel Stone
Martin - Danny Travis
Salmon - David Bell
Codfish - David LeMaster
Skeleton - Don’l Johnson
Soldier - Don’l Johnson
Ogre - Doug Smith
The Prince - Doug Smith
Ogre - Gene Landry
Rapier’s Master - Gene Landry
Octopus - Greg Stanley
Barrista - Griffin Vance
Chef - Guil Lunde
Emily - Heather Bryson LeMaster
Rose - Hilary Haag
Suki - Hilary Haag
Elf - Hiroko Fukumori
Arrow - Jason Douglas
Mike - Joe Jaworski
Davidm Pierre - John Gremillion
Head Apprentice - John Swasey
Luffard - Karen Coffer
Apprentice - Keith Brenton
Daisy - Kelly Jean Beard
Villager - Kevin Hinnant
Gabriella - Kim Sevier
Ninja Elf - Kira Vincent-Davis
Romina - Kira Vincent-Davis
Violet - Kira Vincent-Davis
Bronco - Kurt Stoll
Elf - Lana Ford
Elf - Laura Attwell
Rapier - Laura Chapman
Bishop Benal - Lew Temple
Emmaeus - Lew Temple
Colleena - Luci Christian
Caretaker - Malinda Talbot
Milliea - Marcie Corder
The Mayor - Matt Greenfield
Papa Elf - Matthew Kelley
Annette - Melissa Cybele Sparks
Judge - Mike Kleinhenz
Lily - Pamela Lauer
Lucy - Pamela Lauer
Gild - Paul Hope
Bishop A - Phil Ross
Sensei Monk - Phil Ross
Andy - Randy Sparks
Bishop B - Randy Sparks
Dihal - Rebecca Connelly
Priestess - Rebecca Connelly
Annette - Rene Rivera
Sparky - Ricardo Villa
Bishop A - Rob Bundy
Apprentice - Robert Jauregi
Waiter - Robert Jauregi
Pirate Conger Eel - Rod Peters
Grace - Sara Chamblass
Pirate Flatfish - Todd Greenfield
Kolchak - Tom Richards
Angler - Travoi Tuttle
Complete Collection Cover/Disc Art
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Got the SD Blu-Ray in today . Looks to me the interlace issues are gone . The show basically looks like the DVD did . Like SD on a HDTV . Not really a lot to say other then to repeat the interlace problems they were having with previous SDBD look to be fixed .