Those Who Hunt Elves / Elf wo Karu Mono-tachi

Those Who Hunt Elves / Elf wo Karu Mono-tachi

Genres: adventure, comedy, fantasy
Themes: elves, other world
Objectionable content: Significant
Number of episodes: 12
Vintage: 1996-10-04 to 1996-12-19

Plot Summary: An actor, a martial artist, a gun-crazy high school student, and their tank are transported from earth to a world of elves and magic. However, the spell to return them home was botched resulting in fragments of the spell being magically imprinted onto their skin. Their solution: run around looking for elves and stripping them wherever they find them.

ANN Info Page

Those Who Hunt Elves 2 / Elf wo Karu Mono-tachi II

Genres: adventure, comedy, fantasy
Themes: elves, other world
Objectionable content: Significant
Number of episodes: 12
Vintage: 1997-10-02 to 1997-12-18

Plot Summary: After Junpei botched the second attempt to transport back to Japan, the four embark their journey once again to collect runes imprinted on skin of Elven females by stripping them. Celsia is cursed into the form of another animal this time.

ANN Info Page

Those Who Hunt Elves 2 Date

posted on 2003-06-04 02:03 EDT
ADV releasing Those Who Hunt Elves 2 in August

Sentai Selects: Complete Collection - Cover/Disc Art


I still have my old 4-thinpak ADV box of this. A fun series, and a classic dub…it’s too bad that 3 out of the 4 main cast members (and one director) dropped out of the dub world.

Cast remains the same as previous dub release

ADR Director - Steven Foster

English Dub Cast

Junpei Ryuzoj - Andrew Klimko
Celsia Marie Claire - Jessica Calvello
Airi Komiyama - Kelly Manison
Ritsuko Inoue - Rozanne Curtis

Yuri - Aaron Krohn
Prosecution Judge - Alissa Alban
Emmy - Amy Jackson
Villager - Anna Bechtol
Captain Sunfish - Anthony Dorian
Bishop Ahab - Bob Elliot
Guard - Brad Atwell
Pirate Hammerhead - Brett Weaver
Guard - Carl Marks
Elf - Catherine Eisele
Drunk - Chris Mattsen
Mike - Christopher Bourque*
Carrie - Cynthia Martinez
Tatrise - Cynthia Martinez
Guard - Dan Rockwell
Guard Captain - Daniel Stone
Martin - Danny Travis
Salmon - David Bell
Codfish - David LeMaster
Skeleton - Don’l Johnson
Soldier - Don’l Johnson
Ogre - Doug Smith
The Prince - Doug Smith
Ogre - Gene Landry
Rapier’s Master - Gene Landry
Octopus - Greg Stanley
Barrista - Griffin Vance
Chef - Guil Lunde
Emily - Heather Bryson LeMaster
Rose - Hilary Haag
Suki - Hilary Haag
Elf - Hiroko Fukumori
Arrow - Jason Douglas
Mike - Joe Jaworski
Davidm Pierre - John Gremillion
Head Apprentice - John Swasey
Luffard - Karen Coffer
Apprentice - Keith Brenton
Daisy - Kelly Jean Beard
Villager - Kevin Hinnant
Gabriella - Kim Sevier
Ninja Elf - Kira Vincent-Davis
Romina - Kira Vincent-Davis
Violet - Kira Vincent-Davis
Bronco - Kurt Stoll
Elf - Lana Ford
Elf - Laura Attwell
Rapier - Laura Chapman
Bishop Benal - Lew Temple
Emmaeus - Lew Temple
Colleena - Luci Christian
Caretaker - Malinda Talbot
Milliea - Marcie Corder
The Mayor - Matt Greenfield
Papa Elf - Matthew Kelley
Annette - Melissa Cybele Sparks
Judge - Mike Kleinhenz
Lily - Pamela Lauer
Lucy - Pamela Lauer
Gild - Paul Hope
Bishop A - Phil Ross
Sensei Monk - Phil Ross
Andy - Randy Sparks
Bishop B - Randy Sparks
Dihal - Rebecca Connelly
Priestess - Rebecca Connelly
Annette - Rene Rivera
Sparky - Ricardo Villa
Bishop A - Rob Bundy
Apprentice - Robert Jauregi
Waiter - Robert Jauregi
Pirate Conger Eel - Rod Peters
Grace - Sara Chamblass
Pirate Flatfish - Todd Greenfield
Kolchak - Tom Richards
Angler - Travoi Tuttle

Complete Collection Cover/Disc Art



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Got the SD Blu-Ray in today . Looks to me the interlace issues are gone . The show basically looks like the DVD did . Like SD on a HDTV . Not really a lot to say other then to repeat the interlace problems they were having with previous SDBD look to be fixed .