Ultimate Otaku Teacher / Denpa Kyoshi - He Is an Ultimate Teacher

Official Japanese Website
ANN Page
Genres: comedy, slice of life
Themes: High School, Otaku
Objectionable content: Mild
Running time: 24 minutes per episode
Number of episodes: 24
Vintage: 2015-04-04
Opening Theme: 1. “Youthful Dreamer” by TrySail
2. “vivid brilliant door!” by Sphere
Ending Theme: 1. “DREAMIN’” by Tokyo Performance Doll
2. “MY ONLY ONE” by 9nine
Plot Summary: Former scientific prodigy and current hopeless otaku Junichiro Kagami reluctantly gets a job teaching high school physics. Dealing with “real-lifers” is lame, but Kagami soon finds himself drawn to his pupils, and they to his…unorthodox teaching methods. (from Yahoo! View)
posted on 2015-01-15 10:15 EST
Daisuke Ono, Kana Asumi already voiced A-1’s TV ads for Takeshi Azuma’s comedy manga
posted on 2015-01-15 21:56 EST
posted on 2015-02-16 07:55 EST
Kamiya replaces Daisuke Ono from previous TV ads; series premieres on April 4
posted on 2015-02-17 17:00 EST
Director Masato Sato replaces previous TV ad director Hirofumi Ogura at A-1 Pictures
posted on 2015-03-02 03:40 EST
Rena Matsui debuts as voice actress for heroine of April anime
posted on 2015-03-09 10:00 EDT
TrySail voice actress unit performs opening theme for anime premiering April 4
posted on 2015-04-04 15:26 EDT
Also: Love:Redux live-action series
One of my favorites from the spring season. Who wouldn’t want a teacher like him?
Posted by Rojas on 06/05/2015 at 8:50pm

posted on 2015-06-05 23:14 EDT
Writing, ADR staff also revealed
posted on 2015-06-09 06:00 EDT
Satsumi Matsuda, Risae Matsuda, Aya Hirano, Kana Hanazawa, more in comedy TV anime
Announced at AX 2015
16:05:22 < bay|AX|FUNi > we are continuing our broadcast dubs
16:05:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> we are continuing ultimate otaku teacher
16:05:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> which means for the new season, we’ll have new dubs coming up
16:05:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> we’ll be announcing those very, very soon

posted on 2015-06-20 08:34 EDT

Ultimate Otaku Teacher (Denpa Kyoshi) - Official 2nd Opening - vivid brilliant door!
Ultimate Otaku Teacher (Denpa Kyoshi) - Official 2nd Ending - MY ONLY ONE
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Ultimate Otaku Teacher (Denpa Kyoshi) - CERM’s Genius Schoolboy
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Ultimate Otaku Teacher (Denpa Kyoshi) - Maids and Marriage?!
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Ultimate Otaku Teacher: Part 1 - Coming Soon
Ultimate Otaku Teacher - Official Clip - YD