All Recently Bought Things Anime/Japan related (DVD/Blu-ray/Figures/Manga/Live Action/Merchandise/Video Games Etc


Yami: “Sigh. Geez Maou. You’re always having me wear this bunny girl outfit.” She blushes. “It’s kinda embarrassing…”

Suddenly, the door to their room opens. It’s Mikan, clad in a bunny girl outfit as well.

Yami has a look of shock. “Mmmmmmikan! Why are you wearing that???”

Mikan: “It is kinda cute, plus it’s orange, so it matches my name! I’m a bunny girl now!”

Yami: “But aren’t you embarrassed to wear it?”

Mikan: "A little bit, but you’re wearing one. I don want you to be embarrassed by yourself. We’re besties, and I love you Yami! :orange_heart:

Yami: "Mikan…":yellow_heart:

The girls share a hug.

Two precious bunny girls arrived today!

Close up shots!

More shots of Bunny Yami!!!

Yeah. I definitely have a problem…

(A challenge. Which is the official Yami? :wink:)