Animenet work app

i’m having problems where not all epidsode load. I have a ipad 2 ios 6.0.1 the first two and last epidsodes do. I can’t watch anything on line is itune subsription only for the ipad? i would like my karma to on fire

i have itune subsription does it work for both ipad and online? my ipad will load some episodes and i don’t think anime network can fix it. so at least i can go line and watch them. Hey can i get flames instead of grean karma

I recommend reading messages on,com_kunena/Itemid,183/catid,5/func,view/id,62294/limit,20/limitstart,400/.

how long does it take to responed to my questions i"m having a problem ipad app not loading epidsodes. this site is hard to understand the app should have option to post problems.

Your fist question was posted incorrectly. New threads here do not alert the mods or admins. You need to post any issues in the iOS thread at the top of this page. I see you finally posted one in the correct area, so they should be aware of it now. It’s hard to say how long it will take for them to look into it. Also, please review the first post in that thread and supply the requested information.

You can also email subscription issues to Your subscription should work on the online player.

thank you

I have a itunes subscription but i have not been able to access online content.

I have itunes subsciption but can’t acess online content. i have tried

Please stop making new threads. It’s already been explained to you repeatedly that you need to post in the iOS problems thread and email The admins and mods are not notified of new threads here, only replies to existing threads. You want people to answer your questions, but you seem to refuse to read any replies to your issues. Remember, it’s about 11PM in Texas, and no one is currently in the office to look into your issue. You posted once in the correct thread and the admins have been notified. Making more threads will not resolve your issue any sooner.

The web page doesn’t have a time best to post. I have email animenetwork and not receive a response. I have simple question that can be answer and should be. I don’t understand this web site because and I never intended to access this web site. But anime net work app has turn out to be a huge problem. If my problems where solved I would never post anything ever.

Then please post your question in the appropriate thread. As I just stated, admins are not notified of new threads or posts made outside of the premade threads at the top.