IPAD 2 - ANIME NETWORK APP - OS 6.1.3 - WIFI high speed connection - issues

for 2 weeks i have not been able to logon to the app or use the app. i get a

“cannot connect to the anime network servers” try again later…

i have paid my yearly subscription.


Glad to hear someone else other than me is also having this issue.

If you’re having trouble with the app, please post in the proper thread.


Posting a new thread will get you nowhere, administrators monitor the Comment/Problems threads, so you’re most likely to have your concerns seen there.

Please post there and be sure to give them the following info:

[quote]1) What kind of device: iPad, iPhone, iTouch,
2) Version of device: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4,
3) iOS Version: 4.0, 4.1, 4.2,
4) Connection type: 3G, WiFi,
5) Are you using the App or Safari?
6) Name of show and episode number (if an episode won’t load)
7) Describe the problem you are experiencing.[/quote]

–Slowhand, Moderator