Genres: adventure, comedy, fantasy, romance Themes: assassins, bounty hunters, conspiracy, magical creatures, special abilities, war Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: Toru Acura is a 20-year-old retired soldier who struggles to cope with ordinary life now that the war has ended. He meets Chaika Trabant, a 14-year-old sorceress carrying a coffin, and follows her in hopes of finding meaning to his life again. The two also travel with Toru’s adopted sister Akari, who is their main source of income Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2014-04-09
Genres: adventure, comedy, fantasy, romance, science fiction Themes: assassins, bounty hunters, conspiracy, girls with guns, gun girl, magical creatures, monsters, shounen-ai, special abilities, war Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: The search for the remains of Emperor Gaz continuous. Chaika still in search of really knowing who he really is and what is its purpose. Similarly, the Red Chaika continues the search for the rest. The Gillette corporation continues in the mission to catch Chaika. In their adventure, they give a revealing account kept secret that the Emperor, which, Chaika, Fredrika, Toru and Akari decide to discover the secret. Number of episodes: 10 Vintage: 2014-10-08
That works!
You didn’t really have to completely delete the initial part of the post though, as long as the relevant information was on top, so it was the first thing you see when you enter the thread, you could have stuck it underneath the relevant information with a few spaces in-between the two.
The original post was the 1st PV.
My post was the 1st CM (much shorter than the PV)
So how about this, I’ll edit my post to include your initial one, including the PV, which will work out even better, keeping the first post for the relevant information.
Toru shows off his saboteur skills, as Akari and Chaika break into the vault to grab the hand.
(You learn that iron-blood transformation is a unique skill used among the Acura clan)
Once they escape the mansion, Chaika is going to pay them then leave when Gillette (He’s the best a man can get :laugh: ) and his group show up demanding the hand. You learn why Chaika is doing what she’s doing, and Toru shows off his fighting prowess again.
Given the option of turning Chaika and the hand over to Gillette’s group or siding with Chaika, Toru chooses Chaika, and if it brings war back to the world that’s OK with him. They escape and Toru and Akari travel with chaika because they can’t stay in town anymore as the episode ends.
Another great episode, can’t wait until next week.
So, Chaika has found her “important thing”! No explanations, and Toru and Akari are paid off. But Gillette has found them as well, and wants not only the hand, but Chaika as well. I like the way brother and sister can communicate with just their eyes. The siblings escape with Chaika, but are pursued.
Chaika turns out to be the daughter of the evil Emperor Gaz and the “important thing” is his hand. Since the emperor is dead, some would like to use Chaika to rebuild his empire. She cannot be allowed to gather her father’s remains. Now that Toru has heard the story, he chooses Chaika and possible war. He is a saboteur after all. Peace doesn’t mean much to him.
And now the trio is on the run from Gillette and the Kliemann Organization. Chaika only desires to give her father a funeral and that is why she wants to gather his remains. Then again, Chaika is only supposed to be “the tool that sets fate in motion”. However, it’s also a mystery why the Kliemann Organization or the Postwar Restoration Agency wants the emperor’s remains as well, although Konrad says that he doesn’t wish to become involved in anything that may be considered a threat. I am loving this!
Traveling with a coffin isn’t easy. Especially when you’re trying to keep a low profile. Chaika has no idea where to go next and her only clue is a hero. At least the city they’re currently in is ruled by a hero, but no one has ever seen her nor has any idea where she lives.
Chaika has an interesting informant that does not seem human, but he knows plenty. With his help, they find transportation. Chaika is good with vehicles, but she can’t cook! LOL And she’s also missing memories.
It looks like they’ve found the hero they were looking for too. Or rather, she’s found them!
Yeah I read it. Just that image was too good to pass up :lol:
You know if they do get Chaika, it means that Sentai totally bowed to our Loli Overlords this season (Shiro, Enju, The entire cast of Is this order a Rabbit, and Chaika :lol: )
If they’re just sitting on the license, it’ll be quite some time before we hear about it.
I think the last Kadokawa license they actually announced during simulcast was Fate/kaleid liner.
Most of their recent Kadokawa licenses have gotten announced close to solicitation time.
We’ll probably hear about Noucome & Yu-sibu before we hear about Chaika or Dai-Shogun.
I kinda got the impression from this one that it was going to be coy with the possibility of wincest but then it doubled down on the non-ambiguous wincest theme. I shoulda known lol
Seems that a bulk of the acclaimed shows this season feature “true” wincest. They actually do seem to be interesting, despite that, which is cool.