So I have a question… since I just claimed James Bond, does that mean I get all of them? (Since he’s technically just one character played by a bunch of different people)
to my understanding, the character of James Bond is a Name the person is given when they are assigned the designation of 007. So what I was thinking it all was there have been many different actual agents who were James Bond, how else can you explain that he is still young in all the newer movies…
That’s actually just a theory, and a very heavily debated theory at that.
There is also the James Bond is an immortal, shape-shifting, zombie theory. You ever notice his women never last more than one film?
It’s because he EATS THEM to sustain his sauve demeanor.
Yeah, I suppose that’s a possibility too. I’d believe it.
Eh, as long as it’s midnight, I really don’t care, the difference in timezones don’t make a huge enough impact for me to really care about enforcing it.
I forgot to specify when originally writing the rules, and keep forgetting to by the time I sign on, but yes, Non-East-Asian comic books count. Just so no one reads this and becomes confused though, that’s until until the Lit Pick two weeks from now.