Deltora Quest

Deltora Quest

Genres: adventure, fantasy
Objectionable Content: Mild
Plot Summary: The evil Shadow Lord has taken control of the kingdom of Deltora and has driven the land and its people into misfortune and suffering. Lief, the son of a blacksmith, has just turned sixteen and is entrusted, along with his two companions Barda and Jasmine, with an important mission: to retrieve the stolen seven magical stones that once reunited within the Belt of Deltora, will bring power to the true heir of Deltora and give him the power to free the kingdom from the tyranny of the Shadow Lord. There is just one problem; the seven stones have been scattered all across Deltora and currently reside in the hands of seven wicked men who are not easily willing to give them up.
Number of episodes: 65
Vintage: 2007-01-06 to 2008-03-29

ANN Info Page

Deltora Quest Anime to Run on New U.S. Channel The Hub

posted on 2010-05-18 01:48 EDT
U.S. premiere of TV series based on Emily Rodda’s fantasy novels

To make this even more clear:

Discovery Kids is being renamed The Hub.

More to read:
The Hub Heads into Advertiser Upfront with Wave of New Program Announcements

I think I have the first book still. I remember liking it, but not bothering to get the rest because I was lazy.

And people keep saying anime on tv is dead.


It looks interesting, so I will have to check it out. But do we really need another Nickelodeon clone? Remember when the Discovery Networks were about actually learning things? I guess there isn’t enough money in that anymore.

I am thinking most of the shows will either have a life lesson in episode or PSA’s after like the old 80’s shows. That teach valuable lessons.
Such as.

:stuck_out_tongue: :silly: :laugh:

On Comcast VOD at least the Hub VOD is live under kids and the first two episodes of Deltora Quest are on it. Dub sound pretty good so far.

This show starts today!

On The Hub (Previously Discovery Kids)
4:30pm ET/3:30pm CT
11:00pm ET/10:00pm CT

This show is listed on my thread, TV Schedules & Reminders. I also have listed ‘Transformers Prime’, ‘GI Joe Renegades’, ‘Batman Beyond’ and "Men In Black: The Series’.

I noticed that “The Hub” also has the “Transformers” cartoon. Not sure which version, but it’s on Tuesday morning at 12:00 am.

Like I said in the previous post, it’s “Transformers Prime” - dunno if that helps you or not.

Sorry slowhand, I noticed that you posted that as soon as I was finished posting.

Or just plain “Transformers” Here’s the link:
Transformers @ ANN

You were right slow. Here is a link to the new “CGI” Transformers Prime series to be shown on “The Hub”.

Based on the descriptions showing up on my DVR its the original Transformers.

You’re right, it should be the original GI JOE and Transformers as Prime and the new GI JOE are not ready yet I believe they should start in DEC 2010. Since it’s run by Hasbro I expect more older shows to show up. Maybe we will get something “Truly Outrageous” in the future. I Noticed they are also running things like The Wonder Years, Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, and Doogie Howser MD. The great news is the 60’s Batman is going to be on there. Looks like we got a kids TV station with stuff for all ages mixed in. I’m loving this. BATMAN!

It’s the 1984 cartoon. The Hub had a commercial for their classic hero block called HuBOOM! Starts at 11:30 PM. Why so late?

The Hub calls it Transformers Generation 1 so Prime is something different.

Oh and it looks like a flood of MORE shows are coming. This is incredible.
(Upcoming programming)

To stay on topic, the first episode of Deltora Quest was great. :slight_smile:

To anyone interested:

Deltora Quest is returning to the Hub on Tuesday, September 6 @ 6:30am ET/5:30am CT.

Regular updates in,com_kunena/Itemid,65/catid,7/func,view/id,71660/

Deltora Quest will be joining the Crunchyroll library, and will be available at 4pm Pacific Time for all members in the US and Canada!