Food Wars: Shokugeki no Souma - episode 21
Curry Taste Test Nightmare Gets Great Score From Judges
Curry Taste Test Nightmare Gets Great Score From Judges
Executive totally outmaneuvered by CEO! Would the real Nasgisa Kiryu please stand up?
Final Match Intensifies as Nabae Attempts Comeback Against Maruo
Secret of Famous Idol’s Success Revealed! Kikuko is “Forever Seventeen”!
Tragedy Strikes! Puppy Zombified! Kurumi’s Reunion with Megu-Nee ends in Tragedy! Will Kurumi Survive!
Rokudo Finally Gets His Christmas Cake - And Eats It Too!
Horseplay in Room leads to Wi-Fi Outage
Toshiki Kai’s big return!! The shocking connection with Ibuki rises suspicion.
Catcher Misuki Purposefully Bodyslammed at Home Plate; Shock Fills Stadium
Miyuki’s First Home Run Ever Brings It Home for Seido in a Stunning Finish; Beats Seiko High 6-5
Satoru Stares Down Enemy After Memories Return 15 Years Later
State of Emergency: Dark Falz Presence Known; Saving the President Top Priority
IndiAnzu Jones and the Flying Whale
Trapped No More: Subaru-kun Escapes the Darkness and Resets
Breakers Pull Off Spectacular First Performance on Stage
Art Club Vandalizes School Pool Painting a Mermaid with Non-Removable Paints
A Happy Return to the Surface Turns Dark When Secrets Unravel
Darling in the Franxx Ep.23
Attack of the Giant Space Waifu
Dorm Room Competition Yields Unexpected Results
Seven Senses of the Re’Union Ep. 1
SAO = Sword Anohana Online