Eyeshield 21

I’m not really into sports, but the first episode was funny, so I think I’ll like this one. There are some pretty interesting characters too with personalities to match. And they sure have funny ways of recruiting for the team!

I thought I was not going to like this show at all. I will to give any Anime a try.
This anime was really good. I found the plot to be really intriging.
It will be interesting to see how the team forms together.

Being a football fan there was already one oops:

Unlike basketball, soccer or hockey, the game does not end at the buzzer. As long as the last play goes off, there is no time limit due to last play is never stopped in football, it could take an hour. There is no reason for anyone to have to run down the feild quickly before the quarter ends. Running down 40 yards for the last play with getting tackled is something different. It seemed to be implied that it had to be done in the remaining time, maybe its Canadian rules. Also 40 seconds is a lifetime in football.

Well, it’s possible they have slightly different rules in Japanese football. I’m half tempted to research this now…

It’s all about dramatic tension. Keep you at the edge of your seats baby.
If it was done by the rules, the show would have been twice as long.

It could have been the DBZ of sports anime! The “Overtime Arc” alone could span dozens of episodes…lol

Ah yes the show that was originally supposed to show up on Toonami Jetstream but didn’t. I was looking forward to that too but now that the boxset is out I can watch this without disappointment.

It did show up for a few mangled and stitched together dub episodes on Toonami Jetstream then the deal with “NFL Rush?” fell through. It was for the best the dub sucked and the way they stitched the episodes together really made it in to a bad kids cartoon.

Maybe Sentai can take Prince of Tennis from Viz and actually releases it all.

Episode 2 -

I like how Hiruma recruits by blackmail. That’s quite a handy little notebook to have! And I have to feel bad for Sena – no one listens to him. So now I wonder if he’s the manger or a player. In any case, it should be interesting.

Football around the world is what they call soccer. Only in America is Football what we think Football is. Perhaps we should call soccer football (it makes sense) and name our football tackleball. Change is often resisted, but in tackleball the ball is only kicked every now and then and is either thrown or carried otherwise. Tackleball is just more accurate, though it is one more syllable.

Interestingly enough, the first professional league for the sport in Japan was called the Japanese Soccer League. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Soccer_League Though that was replaced the Japanese Professional Football League.

I did post that my enjoyment of this Anime would hinge on how true it was to a game of football. Last Episode 6 went over the line.

Shin’s one handed tackles are boarder line legal, the first tackle should have been unnecssary roughness. The last tackle after the spin move, 100% illegal. In no incarnation of football has it been allowed to one arm horse collar someone as a tackle. Not only is it a foul; most likely going to get the tackler thrown out of the game. They should have a sence where the ref is bribed.

Actually, in the earliest version of American Football protective gear was almost non-existent and barely even suggested. The sport almost got outlawed in the US because of how violent it was and how many severe injuries were resorting from it. I don’t know how many rules that version of the game did have, but I could believe they’d allow anything that worked and wasn’t being used to intentionally cause a severe injury/disability.

Also, any thoughts of it coming to the Online Player? I’ve been busy the past few weeks and I’ve missed a couple of episodes of it.

In response to an earlier post (I’ve only read the last 6) The name Tackleball would seem to make a lot more sense because of how descriptive it’d be, except then what would you call Rugby? It has plenty of tackling too, usually focused on however has the ball or is believed to have the ball. Actually, when I think about it Rugby sounds like a more heavily regulated version of the original American Football, even the degree of protective gear (enforced instead of barely suggested) is about the same. Just a stray random thought, and now it’s back to work.

We don’t have the streaming rights to Eyeshield 21, so it will not be on the Online Player, just on VOD.

That’s my luck to a T. I get busy with side projects and forget to watch it for just over a month and I miss two episodes entirely. Well, it would’ve been just one ep if I’d checked the online player to see if it was going to appear instead of assuming it was becuase most shows are available both ways.

Some months I have to wonder why I make the effort, then things go even more wrong and I decide it’s best not to think about it.

Well, if all else fails, it’s still up on CrunchyRoll, so you can catch up there.


Episode 14 –

Now that the Deimon Bats won, they have would be players coming out of the woodwork! I guess they can be a real team now with so many players. For a second there, I almost thought Mamori had figured out that Sena is Eyeshield 21, but it was a false alarm.
I liked how Hiruma set up the try outs at Tokyo Tower and all his “traps”, but it was really kind of him to give Yukimitsu the ice cube when no one was looking so that he could be on the team. And it’s really funny that the Ha-Ha brothers made the team and they weren’t even trying to! I also like the new ending.

Hiruma is savvy enough to recognize heart when he sees it. He also punished the two who stole Yukimitsu’s ice. He’s still an over-the-top nut job, but I’m warming up to him more and more. My only question about him now is… If he lived over here, would he be a Sooner or a Cowboy? :laugh:

Considering his talent with firearms, I would say a Giant or a Jet! :silly:

Episode 14 -

This is one of those shows that I didn’t think I would like, yet I look forward to it every week. I agree with you Newshawk, Hiruma is a total nutjob, but he’s my favorite character. (why do I always go for the crazies?) I love how he dresses up as Eyeshield 21 for their advertising. The Ha-Ha brothers making the team when they didn’t want to was too funny! With more players, their next game should be interesting.
I also love the bassline they play during the games. It’s just like being at one of the college games. It really did get me riled up to go to the season opener! GO FROGS, er I mean Deimon Bats!!

Episode 15 –

It looks like Mamori might be figuring out that Eyeshield is really Sena. She’s starting to notice that Eyeshield is never around when Sena and Sena isn’t there when Eyeshield is. But she comes to the conclusion that the two guys just don’t like each other. She is so dense!
Hiruma comes up with an interesting way to build Eyeshield’s stamina, but it kind of backfires when Rui kidnaps Mamori. I thought Sena was really busted when he had to take his helmet off, but I should have known that Hiruma would step in to save his secret weapon by posing as Eyeshield himself. In fact the entire team shows up dressed as Eyeshield 21. That was definitely worth a few laughs!
In the end, Mamori doesn’t really care who Eyeshield is for now, but still hopes to find out someday. She’s even glad too that Sena joined the team in the first place. And Hiruma has found a new way to practice!