Episode 16 –
Just when they are starting to become a real team, Kurita is falsely accused of destroying festival decorations and resigns from the team, rather than see them all banned from the Christmas Bowl. But much to the dismay of Kurita’s fellow teammates, Hiruma lets him go. I thought he had a heart underneath that tough exterior, but if so, how can the desire to get to the Christmas Bowl be so important that he’d turn his back on a friend?
I liked how some of the team pulled together to prove Kurita innocent and even Rui helps them for his own reasons. Once the real culprits are found, Hiruma ends up helping to capture them as Mamori produces the witnesses and Kurita’s name is cleared. I should have known that Hiruma wouldn’t let his friend down. It appears that he went all the way to New York just to bring the witnesses back!
Episode 16
I laughed really hard at Kurita’s dream. I loved how one moment he was on the football field tossing people and tanks and next he’s become Godzilla.
Hiruma is bringing the team together the best way he knows how. His unorthodox training methods on the field are pretty funny. The backhoe was my favorite. We got a teaser into why Kurita and Hiruma started the football team and I hope we get to hear more about the mysterious Musashi. I think Hiruma knew all along that the team would band together to clear Kurita’s name. It’s just all part of their training.
At least twice during Saturday’s game, I jumped up and involuntarily shouted, “Ya-Ha!” :blink:
:silly: I love home games!
LOL That “Ya-Ha” is getting under my skin too. I’ve been using it as well. :silly:
Episode 17 –
A barbecue turns into another training session and it was funny that Cerberus was the only one to get the meat. That is until Tetsuma joined in and then even poor Cerberus got disappointed. But in the end the team learns the importance of routes – even if poor Monta doesn’t know his left from his right!
Episode 18 –
Ya-ha! The team has a new club house and even Cerberus has a new dog house!
Hiruma catches the editor in a lie and finds out the lottery was fixed, so he planted some false info as well. The result is a game to see if it will be the Deimon Devil Bats or the Taiyo Sphinx team that will face the American Aliens.
The Ha-Ha brothers finally quit the team, but later in a diner they overhear some of the Sphinx players make fun of them. They get into a fight, but get beaten up pretty badly and decide to return to the team to get their revenge on the playing field. This is going to be a great game!
Episode 19 –
It’s the Sphinx vs. the Bats at Taizou High School and it looks like an Egyptian temple. There is even a pyramid on the field. The Sphinx say that they will defeat the Bats in ten plays. Their line is very strong and even Kurita can’t hold them back; perhaps he’s also a little afraid of them.
Hiruma gives the team a pep talk as only he can and Kurita finds his courage. By the tenth play, the Bats are still undefeated and Hiruma tells the Ha-Ha brothers to make their move. The Pyramid Line is broken by the Delinquent Deathblow taught to the guys by Habashira at Zokugaku. But the move might also be a little bit illegal. However, the Bats have a good chance at winning now and might be able to face the Americans after all.
Episode 32 –
It seems that everyone is training hard for the Christmas Bowl and most of the methods are very unusual. But Hiruma has upped his own weird training to include nights as well. Now that the guys all know who Eyeshield 21 is, they all want to do their best with one or two exceptions. I like that now Mamori can see Hiruma for what he really is and no longer minds being called names by him.
Jumonji has really changed and matured since the first episode and now wants to be a better person. I can see how much he admires Sena and wants to do the best he can, even while his two cohorts try to get him to run away and return to Japan. Thankfully, he refuses, but nothing will stop Kuroki and Togano from going. However, they later feel lost without their leader and I think Jumonji feels the same way because the next day, he’s gone as well.
Convinced that Jumonji will bring the others back, Sena refuses to leave without them, but tells the rest of the team to go ahead. They start to leave, but Monta turns back to wait with Sena and so does Komusubi. Jumonji does catch up to his friends and beats some sense into them while taking a few hits himself. Kuroki and Togano do decide they want to be better and are soon joined by Sena and the others. It’s been a slow process, but I can see how these guys really came together as a team – and as friends.
Episode 38 –
I felt really bad for Yukimitsu. He worked so hard to improve and Hiruma passed over him just like that. Hiruma wants to win at any cost, but I can’t believe that he doesn’t think that Yukimitsu isn’t good enough. Like Sena and Monta, I hope Yukimitsu gets a chance to prove him wrong.
And now the team has cheerleaders! Yay!
Ep. 45-46. Anyone recognize the tour guide on the bus? It’s like they got on the Galaxy Express.
Eyeshield 21 - Opening 1 | Breakthrough
Eyeshield 21 - Ending 1 | Be Free
Eyeshield 21 - Opening 2 | Innocence
Eyeshield 21 - Ending 2 | Blaze Away
Eyeshield 21 - Opening 3 | Dang Dang
Eyeshield 21 - Ending 3 | Goal
Eyeshield 21 - Opening 4 | Blaze Line
Eyeshield 21 - Ending 4 | Run to Win!
Eyeshield 21 - Opening 5 | Honoo no Running Back
Eyeshield 21 - Ending 5 | A Day Dreaming…
Eyeshield 21 - Ending 6 | Flower
Eyeshield 21 - Ending 7 | Song of Power