[quote]Genres: action, adventure Plot Summary: Hakuo Gakuin is on the verge of closing down due to students transferring to rival school Seishikan after mysterious injuries happening to students who refuse to transfer. To protect the school and its students they hire Kojiro, a member of the Fuma clan of ninjas. After finding out that Seishikan has enlisted the help of the Yasha ninja clan, who had been rivals with the Fuma for generations, Kojiro gains the help of his fellow Fuma ninjas. Even though they are hired to protect the schools, the two rival clans vow to destroy each other once and for all so that only one clan remains. Number of episodes: 6 Vintage: 1989-06-01 to 1989-08-02[/quote] ANN Info Page
Although this is a pretty old anime by the standards of many, I think this could be a easy pick up for Sentai. 12 episodes plus one film about samurai and ninjas would fit well
I could see Sentai maybe doing Fuuma no Kojirou, but while I do enjoy it I easily put Kurumada’s other anime adataptions over it. I’d rather Sentai try out a more recent anime based on a Kurumada manga like Ring ni Kakero 1, maybe have them license rescue B’t X from Illumitoon, or even continue Saint Seiya from where ADV had to leave off at before they go after Fuuma no Kojirou.
Not that it’s a bad title, though; I did enjoy the first OVA series/Yasha-hen. I just personally put licensing Ring ni Kakero 1, a B’t X license rescue, and the return of Saint Seiya over Kojirou any day. Also, this is just The Anime Network; if you want to get this title brought up to Sentai themselves then I’d say send them an e-mail via their wbesite.
Maybe they could work a package deal with both shows. Ring ni Kakero isn’t too long anyway.[/quote]
The weird thing is that I have absolutely no idea who actually made Fuuma no Kojrou. I’ve seen Toei, J.C. Staff, and Animate-Film all listed as being the studio behind the OVAs, and I really can’t tell who might own it nowadays. If Toei did in fact make it, then a package deal with Ring ni Kakero 1 could be possible (add Saint Seiya to them and you could say that they went “Krazy for Kurumada”… Yeah, bad joke), but if they didn’t make it then there’s a much smaller chance of that happening.
That said, I am still all for getting Kojirou one day. Apparently a fansub of it was circulated back during the stone age of 90s tape-trading, so there’s probably a fair chance that David Williams, Matt Greenfield, and John Ledford are at least familiar with the title. And if Sentai truly is going to continue licensing old-school anime, ala Ghost Sweeper Mikami, like what David Williams said at AX a week or so ago then there’s definitely a chance at it.
I guess it's time to send Sentai an e-mail regarding certain old-school anime I'd love to see brought over.
I guess it’s time to send Sentai an e-mail regarding certain old-school anime I’d love to see brought over.[/quote]
Yeah, if you go to Sentai Filmworks’ website there is a contact form you can fill out. Alternatively, on that same page there is an actual e-mail you could send a message to them through. Granted, I have never gotten a reply from Sentai, but at the same time when I would send e-mails to ADV I only got a (fairly generic)_response about two times, so I feel that it still never hurts to send something.
I guess it’s time to send Sentai an e-mail regarding certain old-school anime I’d love to see brought over.[/quote]
Yeah, if you go to Sentai Filmworks’ website there is a contact form you can fill out. Alternatively, on that same page there is an actual e-mail you could send a message to them through. Granted, I have never gotten a reply from Sentai, but at the same time when I would send e-mails to ADV I only got a (fairly generic)_response about two times, so I feel that it still never hurts to send something.[/quote]
If they aren’t going to respond I won’t waste time writing one. I’m sure somebody over there reads this forum.
I guess it’s time to send Sentai an e-mail regarding certain old-school anime I’d love to see brought over.[/quote]
Yeah, if you go to Sentai Filmworks’ website there is a contact form you can fill out. Alternatively, on that same page there is an actual e-mail you could send a message to them through. Granted, I have never gotten a reply from Sentai, but at the same time when I would send e-mails to ADV I only got a (fairly generic)_response about two times, so I feel that it still never hurts to send something.[/quote]
If they aren’t going to respond I won’t waste time writing one. I’m sure somebody over there reads this forum.[/quote]
Best bet is the facebook page. I know someone reads that.